Thanks to the thread about Jim Wampler's Mutant Crawl Classics, I learned about this man who makes specialty dice. That die pictured? That's one of his emoticon dice. The picture is from his website.
I just asked about ordering several of them. Here's why:
In Dungeon Crawl Classics, normal ability modifiers range from -3 to +3. If you have an encounter where you need a reaction roll, and no Personality modifier is involved, roll one of these dice. If there is a Personality modifier involved, roll one die per point of modifier. If the modifier is a penalty, select the worst result. If the modifier is a bonus, select the best result. Instant reaction rolls!
If you need a reaction for the party as a whole, determine the total modifier and then roll that many dice (or one die, if the total modifier is +/-0.
Plus, the emoticons are easy to read. The images here are also from the dice webpage.
It is pretty easy to see how you can make modifiers by adding or subtracting dice to determine reaction as well.
(Of course, this is really all about wanting cool new dice.)
Wednesday, 22 April 2015
Tuesday, 21 April 2015
Saturday, 18 April 2015
More on the CE Series

Anyway, related to the CE Series:
Writing these things was driven by a need at my own gaming table. The core rules suggest "Quest for it" as the default answer to any special character abilities, and I wanted to have areas prewritten for my own game that work with that core concept.
CE 1 allows a thief to conduct a legendary burglary, but it also allows a wizard or elf to deal with corruption, and offers a cleric a cult to belong to, or oppose.

CE 3 makes passage through a swamp region interesting, despite recurrence, and offers the judge a way to build a story through multiple excursions (even when travel is not the focus of those excursions).
CE 4 potentially gives warriors a boost, but also includes an oracular device that could bring the PCs back to the vicinity repeatedly. Or could be used against the PCs.
CE 5 has a base adventure, but also offers a quick set of mutations for the DCC game, including some mutated critters. It introduces an organization that the PCs could join, or (more likely) come into conflict with.
CE 6 offers something for the cleric, something for the wizard, and a good piece of backdrop against which many conflicts could be staged. The goal was to create setting conflict that could be ramped up as the PCs continue to change things around them, eventually leading to a high-level epic endgame.
From where I am sitting, there is a reason that DCC Lankhmar is such a big deal. There is a reason why people enjoy the background materials for Purple Planet and Chained Coffin. Even if the background details are not the focus of the adventure at hand, having those details to weave into your adventures is important.
That's what I want the CE Series to do. Yes, each can be used for a discrete evening's game session. You can sack the temple, or fight/parley your way through the mountain pass. You can try to dig up treasure hidden in the swamp or you can fight to prove yourself worthy to Sir Amoral.
But....what if your treasure hoard includes a map to buried treasure? CE 3 has you covered. You can do that. What if your wizard needs to learn a new spell? CE 2 and CE 6 might come into play. What if your players want to learn something esoteric? CE 2 and CE 4 might be your babies. Corruption your elf just can't live with any more? Break out CE 1.
Running Purple Planet? The Pellas Troth and Mahmat Troth are now renegade kith tribes, and the Black Goat dwells in a pass in the Ancestor Peaks. Or, if you need them to be, they are groups of disfigured Shudfolk in the milieu of The Chained Coffin.
Anyway, that is how I intended them to be used - set pieces to work with PC quests, treasure maps, tying unrelated adventures together, and enriching the sense of a living Appendix N world.
(If you know your Appendix N well, you will recognize strong homages in all of the CE series.)
They're not exactly traditional adventures. Every one of them has the potential to be used as a traditional adventure, and you will get your money's worth. But if you use them as they are intended to be used, your PCs will return to the material again and again, seeking ways to take advantage of the persistent elements. You will have persistent elements that can be used again and again to strengthen other adventures, and make them more personal to the players. In this way, you will get many times your money's worth. Or, you will if your table is anything like mine.
Wednesday, 15 April 2015
Bending Time & Space: Kzaddich & Tsalakians
Footprints, the free
electronic magazine put out by Dragonsfoot, introduces the Kzaddich and Tsalakian (creator John Turcotte) in Issue 13. The original work is copyright © 2008 John Turcotte, and I make no contest to
this copyright. Moreover, I highly encourage you to check out Footprints and
the other free resources available at Dragonsfoot,
as well as dropping by their forums.
Mr. Turcotte says, in his Author’s Note, that these
creatures came to him in a dream, wherein they were part of the Fiend Folio II,
which he located in a game store in The Hague.
Kzaddich: Init
+8; Atk by weapon +3 melee (by weapon) or by weapon +1 ranged (by weapon); AC
26; HD 1d8+1; MV 30’ or levitate 10’; Act 2d20; SP cannot be surprised, haste,
psionic blast, time travel, telepathy, “death throes”, magic resistance, immune
to charm and hold, self-healing, augury; SV Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +9; AL L.
A strange species from another time, or from outside time
altogether, the Kzaddich may be from the distant past or future, or from some
alternate temporal plane. They are the mortal enemies of the Tsalakians (see
below), and are most often encountered working against Tsalakian interests.
The Kzaddich (singular and plural) appear as cloaked
man-sized figures, their features completely hidden by their cowls. Their true
form appears to be an amalgamation of shifting, softly glowing spheres in a
rough approximation of a bipedal form, but this may be nothing more than what
their multi-dimensional shapes appear like to our temporally limited eyes. Their
voices sound like wind chimes, and they have a natural telepathic ability to a
range of 120’. This same telepathy allows them to make a psionic blast attack
at an enemy target within 90’, causing 2d6 damage (Will DC 15 for half).
The Kzaddich can slip in and out of the time-stream at will,
resulting in their high initiative bonus, AC, and saving throw bonuses. As a
result, they are exceedingly difficult to harm. Their magic resistance allows
them to save against any spell, even if no save is normally allowed, saving at
the spell check value if a lower DC is not listed in the spell description. If
a spell normally allows a save, the Kzaddich take half damage if the save is
failed, and are completely unaffected if they successfully save. They cannot be affected by anything, magical or
otherwise, that affects time or causes aging.
The Kzaddich perceive the past, present, and potential
futures, making them impossible to surprise, and making them able to make
predictions with a 90% chance of success. A Kzaddich can stop time twice per
day, for 2 rounds, bringing up to two touched beings with it into the stopped
Although the Kzaddich are predominantly pacifists, when
attacked they can speed themselves up, gaining an additional Action Die and
increasing their move to 45’ for 1d5 rounds. A wounded Kzaddich can use an
Action Die to rapidly heal 1d3 damage. If reduced to 0 hp, or otherwise faced
with certain capture or death, a Kzaddich simply slips into the far future or
past to avoid the situation.
According to the sage Turcotte the Dreamer, “Almost nothing
is known of the Kzaddich culture. They vie against the machinations of the
Tsalakians on a scale that mortal creatures cannot comprehend and hint at a
vast war between the two races. Kzaddich do not appear to have individual names,
but often adopt pseudonyms when dealing with others (who they refer to, not
unkindly, as ‘linears’).
Tsalakian: Init +5;
Atk bite +3 melee (1d4); AC 20; HD 2d8+2; MV 20’ or infinite; Act 4d20; SP bend
and fold space, teleport, empathic projection, immune to mind-affecting and
paralysis, special senses, magic resistance, free action, death throes; SV Fort
+5, Ref +9, Will +0; AL C.
The Tsalakians appear as tall men, completely enshrouded in cloaks,
their faces concealed by heavy cowls. They can speak any language, using voices
that seem to come from random, ever-changing, locations all around them. The
Tsalakians come from outside normal space-time, and their true forms are
difficult to comprehend. The sage Turcotte the Dreamer describes them,
uncloaked, as “a blurry whirl of teeth forming a rough approximation of a
man-like form.”
These creatures, said to be the servitors of some great
malign power, have no individual will of their own. Their origin is unknown,
but they seek always to cause great harm. They oppose, and are opposed by, the
Kzaddich. Preferring to work through others, they perpetually strive to bend all
other sentient beings to the will of their dread master. The sage Turcotte the
Dreamer does not identify this being, but it is suspected by some that Pesh
Joomang (,
the Patron of Patrons, might be the Dread Master of the Tsalalkians, as He is
the Dark Master of the Judges of Spellburn.
Tsalakians can bend and fold through space, and are able to
attack from multiple locations at once. They can thus attack any opponent
within 20’, and never offer a free attack when withdrawing. Although they
shuffle along when pretending to be humanoid, in truth they can travel an
infinite distance during any round, ignoring physical or magic obstacles in
their path, using an inborn form of teleportation. When slain, a Tsalakian
disappears in a howling void of folded space, getting ever smaller until it can
no longer be seen. Still, its anguished cries remain dimly audible for 1d5
Tsalakians can detect hidden spaces, being able to “see”
around corners and through walls, floors, and ceilings. They are never
surprised, except when magic is used, for they cannot perceive invisible, out
of phase, ethereal or astral objects or creatures, although they can see
anything hidden in shadows or otherwise concealed without magic. Although Tsalakians
are generally immune to mind-affecting spells and effects, they can be fooled
by illusions. They automatically detect alignment and magic through their weird
Like the Kzaddich, Tsalakians have magic resistance which allows
them to save against any spell, even if no save is normally allowed, saving at
the spell check value if a lower DC is not listed in the spell description. If
a spell normally allows a save, a Tsalakian takes half damage if the save is
failed, and is completely unaffected if successful. In addition, they cannot be
restrained by any impediment, paralysis, or magical hold.
Tsalakians detect the emotions of others, and can project
emotions empathically, allowing them to cast cause fear at will, by using all of their Action Dice for that
round. This works similarly to the
ability to instill fear with a result of 20-23 when casting Ekim’s mystical mask, except that it
affects all targets within 20’ or the Tsalakian and the save is only DC 15. They
can project other emotions as well as fear, and the judge can use the spell
result as a rough gauge of the effects of other emotions.
The sage also wrote, “Tsalakians, when encountered, are
usually in the act of planning or carrying out some great ill, for they prefer
to work through others, themselves remaining out of the fray if possible,
revealing their fearsome abilities only if pressed. Their hatred of the Kzaddich
knows no bounds and they can detect the presence of those creatures and will
always attack them on sight.”
Both the Kzaddich and the Tsalakians are described by their
author as having power psionic powers. Although it is beyond the scope of this
blog post to create an entire system of psychic abilities, the judge is
encouraged to consider the psionics systems presented in The Wizardarium of Calabraxis or Crawljammer#3, both of which are
resources that any self-respecting judge should own in any event. Barring those
resources, roll 1d7 and consult the table from the Githyanki/Githzerai posting on this
The eternal war between the Kzaddich and the Tsalakians could
easily appear in the background of many an adventure. Especially given the
methodology of the Tsalakians, who prefer to act through others, they could
easily be behind the events of even high-level adventures. The Kzaddich give
aid, specifically in the form of information, but prefer to avoid direct
confrontation as well.
Even so, the best use I can imagine for both creatures is in
a 0-level funnel, where the PCs may not initially know that the Kzaddich are
well-meaning. I think that would make a fun, and possibly very creepy, adventure.
Sunday, 12 April 2015
Conan vs. Tarzan
I love both characters, and have read every word of both authors
related to them. This post is, therefore, not an attempt to play favourites,
but rather a “What if…?” exploration. What if both characters were real and,
through magic or time travel, encountered each other? I am only considering
what Edgar Rice Burroughs and Robert E. Howard wrote about their respective
Now, we also all know that, in an actual story, they would fight,
and the fight would probably be inconclusive, before joining forces to defeat
the story’s actual antagonist. This is especially true because both respect
their opponents, and Tarzan at least prefers to observe an opponent before
(This might, in fact, be a liability for Tarzan in such a battle;
while he hesitates, Conan acts.)
Let’s try to put both characters into stats using the Dungeon
Crawl Classics system. Off the top of my head, if I was doing a
"career-average" version of both, I would use the following:
Conan: Str 18, Agl 16, Sta 18, Int 17, Prs 17, Luck 10.
Conan is as strong as a human can be, but not necessarily faster
than everyone he encounters. In DCC, warriors add their level to initiative, so
part of Conan's speed is represented that way. This helps explain the
difference in reaction time in stories like The Tower of the Elephant
vs. stories later in his career…he levelled up. His intelligence is extremely
high, and he has a great force of personality, but he doesn't generally rely on
luck. I would argue that his starting Luck was 18, but that he burned some of
that Luck in The Frost Giant’s Daughter to increase the results of critical
hits against his enormous foes.
Conan has a birth auger of “Born on the Battlefield”, but due to
training and background is a polyglot, speaking most of the languages of the
Hyborian Era that he encounters. Class-wise, Conan is a Warrior, but he can
climb using a d20 (all Cimmerians are trained in climbing), and has a +2 bonus
to such checks (on top of his +3 for Strength). Again, if Conan had an 18 Luck
at 0-level, his birth auger grants him a +3 bonus to damage.
At the mid-range of his career, I would put Conan at 6th
level in DCC terms (roughly 12th level in 1e AD&D or 3e terms).
Alignment-wise, Conan is Neutral, walking the line between civilization and
savagery, neither shunning all magic nor embracing it. So long as a magician is
no threat to him personally, Conan can work with the fellow. None of the REH
Conan stories are so gonzo as to suggest a level higher than 7th or
8th in DCC terms.
A note on Conan’s Strength: Conan is said to have broken the neck of
a wild Cimmerian bull at the age of 15, but it is important to remember that
Howard doesn’t tell us what a wild Cimmerian bull is like. If Cimmeria is a
hilly forested country, this is not a creature of the plains, and is probably
not as large as an aurochs, or even a modern bull. Since Conan is otherwise
shown as at the peak of human strength, rather than being superhuman, an 18
seems more likely than a higher score.
Tarzan: Str 20, Agl 18, Sta 18, Int 15, Prs 14, Luck 18.
Tarzan is stronger than a human being, and as agile as humanly
possible. He is smart, but not always as smart as everyone around him. He can
be imposing, but he can also blend into a crowd, and an actor can take his role
successfully, fooling even Jane, so Tarzan’s Personality is definitely lower
than Conan's sheer animal magnetism.
Tarzan is, on the other hand, extraordinarily lucky. In DCC, when
reduced to 0 hp, you get a chance to "recover the body" by rolling
under Luck; this is the best mechanic to describe Tarzan's repeated survival
from things like getting shot in the head.
In terms of Tarzan’s strength, he has thrown a spear that passed
through a charging Rhino, and can successfully (and easily) wrestle apes into
submission or death even as a youth. By the time we are witnessing Tarzan at
his prime, he can handle dinosaurs, giant cave bears, any form of ape he
encounters, lions, leopards, etc. Where the animals of the forest feared Tarzan
before for his cunning, they now also fear him for his strength. It is notable
that Tarzan can brachiate (see below) while carrying an adult male human being
with no noticeable loss of speed or effort.
(Conan also handles a “dragon” which appears to be a dinosaur, but
he does it with poison.)
Birth auger for Tarzan is “Wild Child”, granting him a +15’ bonus to
movement. He is also a polyglot, able to learn any language he encounters, and
is even able to speak to beasts in a limited fashion. As a special ability,
Tarzan can brachiate, travelling through forest as though on a road in terms of
speed. He can climb at the same rate as he walks. When taking his time, he
rolls 1d24 for Climb checks. Due to his incredible sense of smell, he can track
at speed using 1d24 for checks, even when he is brachiating and tracking
something that passed on the ground.
Several things that Tarzan does could be represented by either a
high Deed Die (indicating a very high Warrior level), or a higher than normal
chance to gain a critical hit. I am going to assume the second, and give Tarzan
the Thief class. This follows from his known abilities for stealth, disguise,
climbing, and attacking from ambush. Moreover, the Thief class has an unusual
relationship to Luck that models Tarzan well.
If you want to understand just how lucky Tarzan is, consider this:
He finds his father’s dagger just in time to kill a gorilla with it (and he is
not yet 15!). Over the years, and in many stories, things happen where that
knife should have been lost many, many times. Somehow, Tarzan always manages to
recover it. Although non-magical, it is never broken, and never so worn or
damaged that Tarzan must replace it.
Like Conan, Tarzan is 6th level at his career average.
Tarzan, unlike Conan, is immortal, having gained perpetual youth through both
science and magic. At some point beyond the time of the Edgar Rice Burroughs
novels, Tarzan could obtain a far higher level, simply because he will not grow
old. Within the ERB stories, Tarzan tops out at 7th level.
Alignment-wise, Tarzan is Lawful in DCC terms. He has a group of
warriors he is chief of throughout most of his career. He clearly sides with
civilized people over natives, imposing British rule in the parts of Africa
nearest his home. He longs to be free in the jungle, but volunteers for
military service, and often travels to the Americas or Europe, living for
extended periods in Great Britain. He is loyal to a fault, and correct enough in
his behaviour to allow a friend to kill him in a duel over a misunderstanding
(the man, obviously, does not kill Tarzan).
Generally, From the
…I would have to say that it would depend upon the circumstances of
the battle. Tarzan likes to fight from ambush, and seldom misses with a ranged
attack. He can throw a spear through a charging rhino, which means that he is
stronger than Conan. When REH was writing Conan, he put Conan at the top of
human potential, while ERB made Tarzan superhuman.
A fight with no weapons in close proximity would be close, but I
would give it to Tarzan. Conan is as fast as Tarzan, and undoubtedly smarter
than Tarzan (at least in street smarts), but Tarzan's strength gives him the
edge. Hell, when you read the stories, Conan isn't always unscathed at the end
of his battles, but Tarzan at most gets reduced to savagery by a bullet
creasing his skull.
Give them weapons in close proximity and Conan's skill more than
makes up for Tarzan's strength. Under those circumstances, Conan wins every
time. In fact, Conan beats Solomon Kane or John Carter with weapons. John
Carter may be the best swordsmen on two worlds in the period of the ERB Mars
stories, and he may be far more studied that Conan, but Conan would rip him
apart. Indeed, John Carter meets close to his match more than once on Mars,
where he has exceptional strength, agility, and stamina due to being from
Finally, Tarzan is repeatedly shown to be very naive, while Conan is
repeatedly shown to be extremely shrewd. Given reasonable notice, Conan could
gull Tarzan easily enough.
Both of them are likely to respect the other, though, and I have a
hard time seeing a contest ending in either dead, unless one came upon the
other suddenly and just reacted. In this circumstance, despite his fantastic
senses, Tarzan would be easier to surprise than Conan...Tarzan is surprised
more than once because someone happens to be downwind.
Dungeon Crawl Classics
Conan the Cimmerian (6th
level Warrior): Init +8; Atk by weapon +1d8+3 melee
(by weapon +1d8+6) or by weapon +1d8+2 ranged (by weapon +1d8+3); AC 17 (chain
+ Agility); HD 6d12+18; hp 60; MV 25’; Act 1d20+1d16; SP Deed Die (d8), +3 to
hit with longsword, 18-20 crit range, crit 1d30/V; SV Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +9;
AL N. Str 18, Agl 16, Sta 18, Int 17, Prs 17, Luck 10. Chainmail, longsword
(1d8 damage).
Tarzan the Ape-Man (6th
level Thief): Init +3; Atk by weapon +8 melee (by
weapon +4) or by weapon +7 ranged (by weapon); AC 13; HD 6d6+15; hp 40; MV 45’;
Act 1d20+1d14; SP thief skills, brachiate, track by scent, Luck die (d8), crit
1d24/II; SV Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +3; AL L. Str 20, Agl 18, Sta 18, Int 15, Prs
14, Luck 18. Loincloth, dagger (1d4), spear (1d8), short bow and 12 arrows
(1d6), rope.
Relevant Thief skills: Backstab +9, Sneak Silently +12,
Hide in Shadows +14, Climb Sheer Surfaces +14 (d24), Disguise Self +6.
Using these stats, you can easily set up a battle between these two
legendary Appendix N icons. It should go without saying that, if you disagree
with these statistics, you can also change them to better match how you see the
Certainly, these stats do not necessarily take into account how
Tarzan avoids getting hit by clinging to foes, or his trick of picking foes up
and throwing them. This might be described by (1) allowing Tarzan a Deed Die,
(2) allowing Tarzan to spend Luck to attempt these deeds, or (3) allowing
Tarzan to make backstab attempts at the start of even a close melee due to his
speed and skill. In DCC, you can “Quest For” special modifiers like this, so
none of these are entirely out of the question.
If you do adjust Tarzan in this manner, it may affect the scenarios
below, but I would argue that none of these abilities should affect an
intelligent Warrior of Tarzan’s level, and thus they wouldn’t affect Conan.
If you use a multi-classing system, like this one, giving Conan one
level of Thief and Tarzan one level of Warrior. That would grant Tarzan Mighty
Deeds, a little more damage, and an average of 18 more hit points. Conan would
gain the ability to hide against a set DC in order to avoid Tarzan’s ambushes,
and give him an average of 11 more hit points.
Fight Scenarios
Scenario One: Tarzan attacks from the trees, ambushing Conan. In this scenario,
Tarzan gains his backstab bonus, firing an arrow with a +18 bonus to hit,
automatically doing a critical if he hits. He hits on anything but a natural
“1”. It is impossible for him to fail to achieve surprise, and if Conan somehow
survives the attack (which his high Fort save bonus makes possible, even with
the best crit at Tarzan’s disposal), he is able to use his second Action Die to
hide again. This is actually a trick Tarzan performs more than once during his
career. Conan discovers that facing a horde of Picts is easier than facing a
single Ape-Man.
Scenario Two: An unarmed Tarzan and Conan meet each other, both in loincloths.
Tarzan expects his speed to help him against this adversary, but Conan gets a
large initiative bonus as a Warrior, and strikes before the Ape-Man suspects
it. The odds are very good that Conan hits, and is able to perform a Mighty
Deed (say, tripping or throwing Tarzan). His Deed Die also adds to his damage.
This occurs twice before Tarzan can act, for a range of 16-20 damage. Tarzan,
though, has a good Reflex save, and can burn Luck if he needs to, so he keeps
his feet.
Tarzan is then very likely to hit Conan, with a +8 bonus against AC
13 (Conan with no armour). He burns Luck if need be. He does 1d3+4 damage
(5-7), barely a blip on Conan’s radar. Realizing that he cannot survive another
round fighting the Cimmerian in this way, Tarzan burns 10 points of Luck to do
an additional 10d8 damage.
It’s a good effort, but it’s not good enough. Conan drops him in the
next round. Because unarmed combat results in subdual damage, and because Conan
respects an adversary capable of fighting as well as Tarzan, he leaves him
alive. Tarzan now knows to respect Conan as well, both for his prowess and for
his mercy.
Scenario Three: Conan and Tarzan meet at melee range, each armed with their normal
gear. Again, Conan surprises Tarzan with his pantherish speed, striking twice
with his longsword for 2d8+6 with each blow (average 15 per attack, or 30
points total), with a 15% chance of a fearsome crit on the first blow, and also
allowing Conan to disarm the Ape-Man with his Mighty Deed (no save, so Tarzan’s
Luck doesn’t come into play). Conan will skewer Tarzan if he attempts to
recover his spear, or to run away, so Tarzan draws and slashes with his dagger.
He has a little better than a 50/50 chance of hitting, and will burn Luck if he
needs to, leaving far less to add to his damage. Never having met such an
opponent, Tarzan instead attempts to save his Luck and run. After all, he can
always attempt Scenario One later. Conan gets a free attack, reducing the
Ape-Man to 0 hp.
Later, one of the Waziri discovers Tarzan’s body. Rolling it over,
he discovers that the Big Bwana still lives…but Tarzan is never as cocky going
into a physical confrontation again. The damage permanently reduces his Stamina
by 1. Had he burned the Luck and stayed to fight, Tarzan would probably have
been slain, not having enough Luck remaining to survive the check to recover
the body.
Scenario Four: Conan and Tarzan meet, armed, but at range. Conan surprises Tarzan
with his speed, but cannot close before Tarzan has the chance to launch his
spear. Having no idea how potent Conan is, Tarzan spends 2 Luck to increase his
damage to 3d8, dealing 13 points to Conan. Seeing that this is only a scratch
to the Cimmerian, Tarzan spends his second Action Die to literally disappear
into the foliage.
At this point, we have a partial repeat of Scenario One. Tarzan begins
shooting lethal arrows at Conan, and then changing where he is. But this time,
because Conan goes first and Tarzan is not in the trees, Conan has a chance to
locate Tarzan despite his stealth. By this point, Conan has taken 28 points of
damage, and has had to save vs. instant death more than once. Spending two of
his Action Dice to close with the Ape-Man, Conan manages to hit for 2d8+6, a
serious blow for Tarzan.
Close up, Tarzan can do 1d4+4 damage without burning Luck. He has
burned 6 points of Luck, and is willing to reduce himself to 5 Luck, therefore
having 7 more points he can use. Two points give him a +2d8 bonus to
Initiative, leaving 5 points for a +5d8 bonus to damage. Depending upon the
initiative rolls, Tarzan might not need to spend both, or any, points of Luck
on Initiative, leaving a possible +7d8 damage bonus.
At this point, it all comes down to the die rolls.
Here is the thing, though….Where Conan wins, skill decides the day.
Where Tarzan wins, Dame Fortune decides, both in terms of the initial scenario
and in terms of the massive “lucky breaks” Tarzan would need to defeat the
Cimmerian when Conan has a chance to fight back. And this is well in keeping
with how their respective creators described the adventures of the characters.
In fact, Howard’s heroes tend to use their intelligence to mitigate
against bad fortune, while Burroughs’ heroes tend to rely on luck to avoid the
worst ramifications of bad decisions. There are a few exceptions in both cases,
of course. Howard could write the naïve character who relies upon blind luck
and a strong right fist to carry him through, and Burroughs could write the
character who uses his brains to solve a mystery. Overall, though, Conan relies
on smarts and skills, and Tarzan relies on strength, sense of smell, and luck.
If Burroughs and Howard were somehow to meet in the Afterlife and write the story together, you know that Burroughs would introduce a tribe of apes, an elephant, or the Golden Lion just to get Tarzan out of a direct confrontation with Conan. And, the whole thing would turn out to be a plot between a sorcerer in the Hyborian Age and a mad scientist in our time, each trying to get rid of the hero who had foiled him at least once already....
I would love to read that story.
And this post doesn't even examine those characters designed to be tougher than either. Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser? They don't stand a chance against Conan and Tarzan.
I don’t imagine that this post is going to end the “Conan vs. Tarzan”
debate. Or even slow it down.
Tuesday, 7 April 2015
The Descendents of Gith
My githyanki hail from the 1st Edition AD&D Fiend Folio, created by Charles Stross. Just seeing the creatures on the cover made my heart race. Indeed, I found the Fiend Folio indispensable, and its wild exuberance informs my monster creation to this day. Not every creature was equally well realized, but the attempt to do something great often overshadowed an individual creature's failings.
Without further preamble, I present to you my version of the githyanki and their adversarial brethren, the githzerai.
Without further preamble, I present to you my version of the githyanki and their adversarial brethren, the githzerai.
Githyanki: Init +2; Atk two-handed sword +3 melee (1d10) or psychic blast +2
ranged (1d6); AC 14; HD 2d10; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP psychic blast, astral
projection, possible special abilities, infravision 60’, +4 to saves vs. magic;
SV Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +10; AL C.
The githyanki were a race of evil humans, conquered millennia ago by
squid-faced psionic flayers. Bound to service by their conquerors, they were
used as slaves and occasional food, for the flayers ate the brains of humanoid
creatures. After centuries of servitude, the humans arose against the psionic
flayers under the leadership of Gith. Having developed their own psychic and
physical powers, they succeeded in throwing off the horrid yoke of slavery to
the brain-eating creatures. Taking their name from their leader, they became
known as the githyanki.
The githyanki dwell in huge castles floating in the astral plane,
but can project themselves to material worlds, where they seek to obtain slaves
and riches of their own, or to defeat their former masters wherever they may
find them. They are said to worship an immensely powerful lich-queen. In some
cases, they have allied with powerful fire-breathing dragon for mutual benefit.
Each castle is ruled by a Supreme Leader who automatically carries a silver
sword (see below).
Let there be no doubt – the githyanki have a well-deserved
reputation for violence. For each githyanki encountered, roll percentile dice
and apply the following adjustments:
01-40 No change.
41-56 Tougher: Add +1d3 HD,
and raise saves by 1 per 2 full HD increase.
57-60 Superior Psychic Blast:
Does +1d6 damage.
61-64 Superior Psychic Shield:
Gains a +4 bonus to Will saves.
65-70 Psychic Power: The
githyanki possesses a special psionic power. See below.
71-77 Spellcasting: Can cast spells as a (1d3:
1-2 wizard or 3 cleric) of level 1d3. If rolled again, the githyanki may be
able to cast spells as if it had two classes. Levels of the same class stack,
up to a maximum of 6th level.
Illusion Generation: The githyanki can
project mental illusions to a range of 60’. These cannot cause damage directly,
but can mislead or otherwise cause targets to damage themselves. The githyanki
must concentrate to maintain the illusion. Will DC 20 negates when the illusion
is interacted with.
81-90 Arcane Blade: The two-handed sword used by
the githyanki has a +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage, and can strike
creatures as though it were magical.
91-94 Knight: The githyanki gains 2d3 HD, and
gains a +1 bonus to all saves per 2 full HD gained. The githyanki knight can
cause damage or heal with a touch. Each instance uses the Hit Die type of the
target. Each day, the knight can heal or cause damage in dice equal to the knight’s
own Hit Dice. Each touch can use a part, or the whole, of this effect. For instance,
a 4 HD knight could heal 1 HD to himself, and later cause 3 HD to another. There
is a 5% chance per Hit Die that a knight will have a silver sword (see below).
95-99 Silver Sword: The
githayanki possesses a silver sword. See below.
00 Roll again twice.
Githzerai: Init +4; Atk open-handed blow +4 melee (1d6+1) or two-handed sword +2
melee (1d10) or psychic blast +3 ranged (1d6); AC 15; HD 1d10; MV 30’; Act 2d20;
SP psychic blast, astral projection, possible special abilities, infravision 60’,
+8 to saves vs. magic; SV Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +10; AL N.
Another offshoot of the same evil humans who spawned the githyanki,
the githzerai dwell on Limbo, but may be found upon material worlds as well.
Their war with the githyanki is vicious and eternal, as neither side can gain
supremacy for long. The githzerai have an uneasy truce with the psychic flayers
which enslaved their ancestors, which is constantly broken in isolated raids
and skirmishes. They are said to be ruled by an undying wizard-king.
10% of githzerai have an additional 1d5 Hit Dice (and gain a +1
bonus to all attack rolls per 2 full HD added). 25% of githzerai have 1d3
psychic powers.
Silver Swords
The silver swords of the githyanki act as +3 weapons, but they are
not magical. They have a critical range of 19-20. On a “20”, instead of rolling
for effect, a silver sword severs the astral cord of an astral traveller unless
it succeeds in a DC 20 Will save, or decapitates a material foe unless it
succeeds in a DC 20 Fort save. If either save succeeds, the attack instead does
double normal damage. If a silver sword falls into non-githyanki hands, they
will go to any length to recover it.
Psychic Powers
If psychic powers are indicated, the judge is encouraged to consider
the psionics systems presented in The Wizardarium of Calabraxis or Crawljammer#3, both of which are resources that any self-respecting judge should
own in any event. Barring those resources, roll 1d7 and consult the following
Psychic Power
Can use an Action Die to move instantly 1d6 x 10
feet away in a direction chosen by the creature.
Can move up to HD x 10 pounds up to 30’ away, as if
the object where in hand. Attacks require an Action Die.
Start a normal fire with an Action Die, or inflict
1d6 to a target within 30’; Reflex DC 10 or catch fire (1d6 damage each round
until a DC 10 Agility check puts the fire out). Uses an Action Die
Can speak silently to all, or selected, targets
within line of sight.
Telekinetic Blast
Can attack all targets in a cone 60’ long with a 30’
base, by hurling a myriad of small objects. All within need to make a DC 10
Reflex save or suffer 1d6+1 damage. Uses an Action Die.
Psychic Defence
Spend 1 Action Die to gain a +1d12 bonus to AC for
one round.
Target within 30’ must make a DC 10 Will save or
take a –1d penalty on the dice chain to all die rolls for 1d5 rounds. Multiple
instances stack. This uses an Action Die.
This is just a quick note to tell you that CE 6: The Crimson Void is now available.
Any role-playing game session can take a left turn at Albuquerque, leaving the poor Game Master wondering what to do next. This is even more true for the dedicated Dungeon Crawl Classics judge, who discovers that patron quests, divine disapproval, and the requests of gods to pay back divine favor can make the game take incredible new turns with the roll of a few dice.
Add to this the advice urging players to “Quest For It” when they want something unusual for their characters, and you have a potent stew for gaming, but also a situation in which the judge may want strong DCC elements with a minimum of preparation required.
The Campaign Element (CE) series attempts to address these specific areas. Now, when your wizard is looking for a spell, your cleric is sent on a mission from her deity, or your thief simply wants to find a location where stealth and a cunning mind are paramount, you will have an answer at your fingertips. Weave these campaign elements into your world, mesh them into other modules and areas of your own creation, and watch the “Appendix N” vibe of your games grow.
In addition, for various reasons sometimes only a few players were available for a night’s gaming. Each Campaign Element is short enough to be played through by most groups in only a single session. That doesn't mean that the value of the area is limited to a single session – each adventure includes notes on “squeezing it dry”…effectively getting the maximum re-use from your investment.
CE 6: The Crimson Void describes a unique goddess (Kala Môr), Her cult, temple grounds, as well as the priests and other beings associated with the location. The easiest way to use this material is to allow PC clerics of Kala Môr attached to this temple. Kala Môr may also be used as a template for creating unique deities of the judge’s own devising. Other characters may oppose the temple, come to it for aid, attempt to prevent a sacrifice, or need to leap into the Crimson Void themselves. Robbing the temple of its riches would be a crowning achievement for any thief. A Neutral deity was chosen to allow the judge to easily use Kala Môr as both aid and adversary to any group as he chooses.
A setting element to help create a rich campaign environment for DCC games of all levels.
Any role-playing game session can take a left turn at Albuquerque, leaving the poor Game Master wondering what to do next. This is even more true for the dedicated Dungeon Crawl Classics judge, who discovers that patron quests, divine disapproval, and the requests of gods to pay back divine favor can make the game take incredible new turns with the roll of a few dice.
Add to this the advice urging players to “Quest For It” when they want something unusual for their characters, and you have a potent stew for gaming, but also a situation in which the judge may want strong DCC elements with a minimum of preparation required.
The Campaign Element (CE) series attempts to address these specific areas. Now, when your wizard is looking for a spell, your cleric is sent on a mission from her deity, or your thief simply wants to find a location where stealth and a cunning mind are paramount, you will have an answer at your fingertips. Weave these campaign elements into your world, mesh them into other modules and areas of your own creation, and watch the “Appendix N” vibe of your games grow.
In addition, for various reasons sometimes only a few players were available for a night’s gaming. Each Campaign Element is short enough to be played through by most groups in only a single session. That doesn't mean that the value of the area is limited to a single session – each adventure includes notes on “squeezing it dry”…effectively getting the maximum re-use from your investment.
CE 6: The Crimson Void describes a unique goddess (Kala Môr), Her cult, temple grounds, as well as the priests and other beings associated with the location. The easiest way to use this material is to allow PC clerics of Kala Môr attached to this temple. Kala Môr may also be used as a template for creating unique deities of the judge’s own devising. Other characters may oppose the temple, come to it for aid, attempt to prevent a sacrifice, or need to leap into the Crimson Void themselves. Robbing the temple of its riches would be a crowning achievement for any thief. A Neutral deity was chosen to allow the judge to easily use Kala Môr as both aid and adversary to any group as he chooses.
A setting element to help create a rich campaign environment for DCC games of all levels.
Monday, 6 April 2015
Herculoids: The Amatons
Amaton: Init +0; Atk strike +1 melee (1d8) or by weapon +2 melee (by weapon
+1) or blast rifle +1 ranged (2d8 nonlethal); AC 17; HD 3d8+3; MV 20’; Act
1d20; SP weird technology; SV Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +4; AL L.
This is a race of small machine entities who travel to different
planets and dimensions in flying disc ships. They seek to enslave powerful
monsters, and then use these to battle all who oppose them. The Amatons appear
to be spindly humanoids encased in outlandish orange armour. Their heads are
flattened ovals with odd projections. The Amatons rely upon their weird technology,
as outlined below.
Blast Rifle: This is an energy projection weapon with a maximum range of 500’
and range increments of 100’/200’/400’. When used by an Amaton, a blast rifle
always has sufficient energy to work, as it can draw energy from the Amaton
itself. When used by another, the blast rifle ceases to function on any natural
attack roll of 1-2 (in addition to any other effects), or immediately after any
damage roll of 2. A blast rifle only does nonlethal damage; any creature
reduced to 0 hp is stunned for 2d6 minutes.
Control Ring: This large glowing metal ring is in two parts before being snapped
around the neck of a creature. The ring can adjust its size to some degree,
once closed, to fit its wearer. In order to attach a control ring, two Amatons,
each carrying half the ring, must succeed in an attack roll (ignore all armour
when determining AC; the judge may adjust to determine the effective AC of
monsters, or simply grant a +4 bonus to this check). If both succeed, the
control ring is set in place and activated. Amatons prefer to attach control rings
to stunned monsters, where success is certain. A creature fitted with a control
ring follows the orders of the Amaton leader without question. A humanoid foe
is allowed a DC 10 Will save to shake off the control ring, but non-humanoids
gain no save. It may be destroyed by inflicting 10+ points of damage in a
single attack against AC 16.
Flying Sled: This single-being unit is controlled by the Amatons through sheer
mental force via contact, and cannot usually be used by other creatures. It allows
the Amaton to fly at a rate of 60’. AC 12, 20 hp. For Crawling Under a Broken Moon
stats, see below:
Flying sled: Init +0; Atk rundown +0
melee (2d3+Ram); AC 12; HD 6d6; Speed cruise 1/max 3; Act 1d20; SA open, very
nimble; SV Fort +0, Ref +4, Will NA; Fuel Tank special; Guzzle special.
Flying Disc: The Amaton flying disc is equipped with a stun turret that does 4d8
points of nonlethal damage, stunning targets reduced to 0 hp for 4d6 minutes. The
stun turret is located on the disc’s underside. A flying disc can hold up to 25
Amatons, as well as their flying sleds, control rings, and blaster rifles. It is
capable of flying between worlds and stars, and can even traverse dimensional
planes. AC 16, 100 hp. For Crawling Under a Broken Moon (atmospheric)
and Crawljammer
(interplanetary) stats, see below.
Flying disc: Init +2; Atk stun turret +3 ranged (4d6 nonlethal); AC 16; HD 20d10; Speed cruise 3/max 6; Act 1d20; SA passengers cannot be targeted, weapon mount; SV Fort +8, Ref +2, Will NA; Fuel Tank special; Guzzle special.
Flying disc: Init +2; Atk stun turret +4 ranged (4d6 nonlethal); AC 16; HD 20d10; MV 60’; Act 1d20; SV Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +6; Crit d10; Fumble d6; Composition: metal; Luck pool: 2.
Source: The Herculoids (Hanna Barbera Productions). Modified from original
write-up by Abacus Ape, via Turgenev’s PDF collection. These are AD&D stats, but are worth a visit. You can download free PDFs of many Herculoids creatures.
Next up: Githyanki and Githzerai.
Sunday, 5 April 2015
Finding Monsters in My Adventures
As a complimentary post to this one, the following can be considered
as an aid for judges who are interested in locating a particular creature in an
adventure (or other product) that I have written. As with the previous entry, I will attempt to
update this blog post periodically after new adventures have been released for
some time into the wild. This list is not complete. It is not even up to date
for all of my published material so far. But it is a start.
LAST UPDATE: 17 July 2019
If enough creatures related to a specific adventure intrigue you,
please consider supporting the publisher in question.
Although I have done several conversions for Goodman Games (Tower of the Black Pearl,
Well of the Worm, Dragora’s Dungeon, Xcrawl: Dungeonbattle Brooklyn, Curse of the Kingsire), I have
not included creatures from these adventures. They are good adventures, though,
and I recommend them. Be aware that the Xcrawl adventure has different base
assumptions from core DCC. Likewise, I have not included adventures where I was
aiding another, such as The Perplexing Disappearances in Brambury
by Brave Halfling. Again, that doesn’t
mean you should avoid those adventures. I simply didn’t want the appearance of
taking credit for the work of others. Where individual authorship is clear, I have included a product.
To break up the wall of text, the following is separated
A: Aagazzbagh the Golden; Agent of Chaos; Aggor, Ape-Man Priestess; Albino Alligator; Alien Cat; Alien Rat; Allosaur; Allosaurus; Almost-Mummified Cat-Things; Ammonites; the Anger; Animated Apple Tree; Ambulating Fungus; Ancient Horror; Animated Broom; Animated Rug; Animated Willow Tree; Anklosaurus; Antelope; Anvar; Anweman, Prince of Eagles; Argodile; Arvind Shar; Assassin Worm; Avatar of Osmon; Azith; Azith Cadaver; Azzam and Azzizza.
B: Baal Zymymar; The Balmorphos Serpent; Barkeep; Beast of the Old Darkness; Beggar; Bellwart, the Azure Dwarf; Big Ants; Big Bad Wolf; Billy Cloven-Foot; Bird Swarm; Biting Spider; Black Dog; the Black Goat; Black Goat; Black Skeleton; Blackbell; The Blessed; Bloat Leech; Blood Goddess; Blood Piranha Swarm; Blood Slug; Blooderfly Cloud; Bloodrake; Blue Kobold; The Blue Toad of Squallas; Bogey Bear; Boneless Leech Rats; Born of the Old Ones; Bottle Imp; the Boundless Philosopher; Brides of Blood; Brood-Born of Lamia; Bubosis; Builders; Burrower; Buying Agent.
C: Calobras; Capering Goat-Things; Carnivorous Cows; Carnivorous Sky Whale; Carproach; Carproach, Giant; Carproach Swarm; Carrion Moth; Cat; Cat Swarm; Catkin; Ceratosaurs; Cerberus; Cesscaeda Swarm; Chaos Ooze; Charonite; Children of the Deep; the Cinder Claws; Cinder Ella; Clackbeetle; Clerics of Kala Môr; Cloak; Cobra; Cockroach Marauder; Cockroach Swarm; Cold Stinger; Colossal Salt Leeches; Column of Flesh; Compsognathus; Corpse Eater; Corpse Puppets; Corpse Worm; Corrodile; Cosmic Harriers; Cowardly Lion; Crawling Worm; Crayfisher; the Creator’s Dragon; Crimson Demon; Crimson Void Wraith; Crocodiles; Crossroad Guardian; Crow Swarm; Cthulhu Cultist; Cthulhu Cultist Assassin; Cult Initiate; Cult Priest; Cultist; Cyber-zombies; Cyclops.
D: Dagonite; Dagonite Assassin; Dallspero’s Tin Soldiers; Damned Things; Dancing Horror; Dancing Skeletons; Dark Lily; Darkslime; Death Jackal; Deathjay; Deep Elders; Deer; Demo-grue; Demon of Tsathoggua (Type II); Demon Shadow; Demonic Fly; Demonic Larvae; Demonic Spider; Devil Spider; Dimorphodon; Dire Foxglove; Dive Patron; Doctor Chapman; Doctor Fell; Draconic Scorpion; Draconic Water Nymphs; Drain Runner; Drakes (Black, Green, Grey, and Red); the Dread God Al-Khazadar; Dread Guardian; Dream Analogue; Dream Ghouls; Dream-Beast of Somnos; Drippling; The Drowned Maid; Duani; Duskfeather; Dust Worm; Dying Cave Lion.
E: The Ebony Stag; Ectoplasmic Filaments; Elder Kindred; Elemental Wind Grue; Elf-like Fey; Elven Skeletons; Emissary of Nimlurun; Empara; Empousa; Eohippus; Erasmus Cordwainer Blood; Erinyes; Eurayle; Evil Bird Swarm; Evolved Otyugh; the Experiment Man; Extra-Dimensional Hornet; Eye of Uburtosis.
F: Faceless Gray Horror; Faerie Animals; Faerie Knight; Faerie Spider; Faerie Sylphs; Fakhreddin; Famine Spirits; Farmer Rowantree; Father of Pigs; Fecal Ooze; Fey Cat-Things; Fey Hounds; Figgy Pudding; Filament Crickets; Filth Elemental; Filthlark; Fire Bee; Flame Serpent; Flame Serpent of Set-Utekh; Flesh-Eating Sheep; Flower Zombie; Flying Howler Monkeys;
Fog Monsters; Folk of Osmon; the Following Thing; Fugitive; Fungal Wasp Swarm; Fungus Creature.
G: Gaoler’s Skeleton; Gatekeeper; Gaulmurk, the Ogre-Sorcerer; Gelatinous Slime Mold; Gelid Tentacle; General Miriamum; Gentleman Clubber; Ghoul, Durdarian;
Ghoul, Portsmouth; Giant Ants; Giant Bee; Giant Black Widow; Giant Bloodworm; Giant Conch Stomach; Giant Dire Mole; Giant Flatworm; Giant Frog; Giant Hornets; Giant Leech; Giant Muckworm; Giant Mutated Snapping Turtle; Giant Rabbit; Giant Salamander; Giant Spider; Giant Talking Rat; Giant Vampiric Fleas; Giant War Turtle; Giant Wasp; Giant Wolf Spider; Gigantic Crab; Gigantic Invertebrate; Gingerbread Men; Glitterjaws; Globlin; Glowing Violet Fungus; Gnarl-Gnarl; Goblin Animal Trainer; Goblin Guardsman; Goblin Knight; Goblin Leader; Goblin Sheep; Goblin Steed; Golden Angels; the Goremera; Graceful Wormfolk; Grallistrix;
Grandfather of the Forest; Great Black Bear; Great Butterfly; Great Guardian; Great Horned Owl; Greater Larvae; Greater Mummy; Green-white Centipede; Grendel;
Grey Humanoids; Grey Ones; Grimperrault, the Sea Dragon; Grunkle; Grydris, Alpha Female Ape-Woman; Guard; Guardian Brood; Guardian of the Deep; Guardian Slime; Guardians of the Temple; Guttersnake.
H: Hadrosaur; Hags of Barg’herzarag; Hanging Moss; Head Hunter; Hellroot; Hellsnakes; Hellspore Fungus; Hexopus;
Hoardling; Hobgoblin; Hobyah; Hodag; Homeless Person; Horse-Headed Demons; Howling Serpent; Hungry Goat; Hunter Spider; Hunting Faun; Hutarrak; Hyaenodon; Hybrid Acolyte; Hybrid Dagonite; Hydra Worm.
I: Ice Spider; Icon of Tsathoggua; Ifhane, Goblin King; Impenitent; Impenitent Abbot; Incabulus; Incabulus Spawn; Invisible Guardian; Invisible Lunar Creature; Ipotane; Ironroach Swarm; Ivrian the Unkind.
J: J'Aleth, Empress of the Elder Kindred; Jabbering Skull; Jabberwock; Jackal; Jailor's Assistant; Jane Johnson; Jarnath; Jelly Ants.
L: Lady Orialle; Lamia; Lamprey Swarm; Land Bat; Land Bat Swarm; Large Crocodile; Large Slug; Large Spider; Large Tree Spider; Lesser Hag; Librarian's Ghost; Lillit; Living Flowstone; Lizard; the Loathly One; "Lord" Urtokki, Azith Sorcerer; Lunar Centaur; Lunar People; Lurk.
M: Mabtophis, Demon of the Chained Stars; Machen, the Rat Sorcerer; Madka; Mahmat Troth; Malcupine; Man-Eating Cowslip; Manchine; Mansoon Viper; Market Guardian; McCrackers; Martian Skeleton Man; Mayag; Mechanical Brain; Medusa; Mercury Dragon Lizard; Merchant; Merlew; Mermaid; Mermaids from Yuggoth; Migjoyon; Mob Member; Monkey;
Moon Reaper; Moon Spider; Moonshroom; Mordent Centipede; Morgil the Moon-Sage; Morhern the Exquisite;
Mormurg; Mycarnos, the Violet Jelly.
O: One-Legged Tin Soldier; the Only; Ontothere; Ooloi; Ophiotaurus; Orange Slime; Ornithomimus; Otyugh.
P: Pachycephalosaurus;
Pallid Reflections; Pallid Thorn; Panes; Patricians; Pellas Troth; Penumbral Bees; Peter's Shadow; Phantom; the Phantom Gentleman; Phenoton; Phororhacos; Pickpocket; Pierceblossom; Pink Jellyfish Swarm; Pit-Roses; Plaghorn; Platoon Trooper; Pleth; Poisonous Adder; Poisonous Spider; Poisonous Viper; Polypus White Thing; P'quoth; Praexi; Predatory Donkey; Predatory Fish Spirit; Prince Charming; Prince John; Prisoner Skeleton; Prostitute; Psilamander; Psionomold; Pterosaurs (Small, Large, and Enormous); Pus Bear; Pustule Ooze.
R: Rabbit Swarm; Radiant Brotherhood; Rangdayak; Raptor; Ratfields; Raven; Raven-Headed Horror; Razor Hawk; Red Hood Goblins; Reptile Swarm; Reptilemen; Resurrection Man; Retrimax; Revenant; Revenant of Zin; Rhamphorhynchus;
Rheddosus; Rhinoceros; Rhinorc; Ribbon Snake; Riding Moth; Ring Bat; Rishi, Handmaiden of the Empress; Rock Lizard; Rockshell Crab; Root; the Rose Dragon; R'yalas, Lord of the Drowned Ones.
S: Sabre-Tooth; Salamander; Salt Hounds; Satrampa; Satryx; Saturn Cat; Saturnian Ape-Men; Sauropod (Small and Large); Savages; Scarlet Bones; Scarlet Succubus; Scarlet Worm Swarm; Scions of Logos (Tiny to Huge); Sea King; Sea Witch; Seal; Segmented Worm; Selden Esh; Selenites; Sending of Sliggeth; Septic Monkey; Servant of Darkness; Servitor; Severed Hands; Sewer Troll; Sewer Worker; Sewer Zombies; Shadow Creatures; Shaft Crawler; Shimmer Lizard; Shoggoth; Sir Amoral the Misbegotten; Skagaart; Skin Flake; Slaugh; Sleeping Beauty; Slime Crawler; Small Cavemen; Smoke Rat; Smuggler; Snailtaur Guard; Snailtaur Potion Master; Snow White; Snowmen; Sons of the Dragon’s Teeth; Sorcerer’s Skeleton; Sotark the Destroyer; Soul Hunter; Spawn of Yagzarrid; Spider; Spider Sisters; Spinner Queen; The Spinwoman; Spiked Tortoise; Ssethmariss; Star, Lesser and Greater; Stegosaurus; Stellar Ghoul; Stiltman; Stinkdew; Stomoan Shaman; Stone Ape-Man Guardian; Stone Dragon; Strangling Vines; Suanggi; Sugar Plum Faeries; Swamp Light Faerie; Swarm of Corpse Parts.
T: Tabattax;
Talking Owls; Tarzan of the Apes; Temporal Serpent; Tentacled Beast; Tentacled Thing; Terrorpin; Theropod; Thief; Thunder Log; Tiger Rat; Tiger-Sized Rat; Tinsel Spiders; Tiny Moon Calf; Tiny Reindeer; Tiny Spider Swarm; Titanosaurus; Toad Things; Toadfish; Translucent Red Slime; Tree Spirit; Triceratops; Troglodyte; Trolligator; Trow; Tunnel Things; Twiggy Man; Two-Headed Roc; Two-Headed Wolf; Type III Demon; Tyrannosaur(us).
U: Um, the Hook-Nosed Gobbler; Un-dead Beauty; Un-dead Crocodile; Un-dead Fiddler; Un-dead Flying Monkey; Un-dead Guts; Un-dead Horror; Un-dead Horror (same name, different
monster); Un-dead Imp; Un-dead Mormurg; Un-dead Runners; Un-dead Skeleton Man; Un-dead Slaves; Un-dead Stepsisters; Underbelly Stalker; Unicorn; Unicorn (different from the first); Urstah, the Star Drinker; Ussa-La, Space Princess.
V: Valgazur, the Bone Dragon; Vanth; Vatta; Venomous Serpent Swarm; Venomous Snake; Vermillion Rat; Very Large Men;
Vile Drop-Crawler; Vine Warriors; Violet Goblin; Void Stalker; Void Wolf; Vos the Spell-Thief; Vulture-Griffons, Vuthmal Swarm.
W: The Walking God; Walrus; Walrus,Giant; Waspmires; Waste Viper; Water Nymphs; Whisperer; Whisperer of the Void; Whispering Shades; Wild Cat; Wild Pig; Wise Rabbit; Wood Viper; Wooden Guardians; Wormwalker.
X: Nothing
for X. Something to fix in future adventures!
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