Thursday 30 November 2017

DCC (and other RPG) work to date


A Lesson From Turtles (Appendix N Adventures Add-Ons #1)
AL 1: Bone Hoard of the Dancing Horror
AL 3: Through the Cotillion of Hours
AL 5: Stars in the Darkness
AL 8: Fire in the Mountain
Assassins of the Pit (DCC #68: People of the Pit)
CE 1: The Falcate Idol
CE 2: The Black Goat
CE 3: The Folk of Osmon
CE 4: The Seven Deadly Skills of Sir Amoral the Misbegotten
CE 5: Silent Nightfall
CE 6: The Crimson Void
CE 7: The Giggling Deep
CE 8: Goblins of the Faerie Woods
CE 9: Both Foul and Deep
Crawljammer: The Vault of Ash
Crawljammer: The Weird Worm-Ways of Saturn
DCC #90: The Dread God Al-Khazadar
DCC #92: Through the Dragonwall
Dispatches from Raven Crowking Vol. 1
Dispatches from the Raven Crowking Vol, 3
Dispatches from the Raven Crowking Vol. 2
Dispatches from the Raven Crowking Vol. 4
FT 0: Prince Charming, Reanimator
FT 1: Creeping Beauties of the Wood
FT 2.1: Three Nights in Portsmouth
FT 2: The Portsmouth Mermaid
Gifts of the Only (Appendix N Adventures Add-Ons #1)
HT 1: The Perils of Cinder Claws
Icon of the Blood Goddess (In the Prison of the Squid Sorcerer)
Laro Chelle the Ring Bearer (Adventures Add-On #7)
May Flowers (The Gong Farmer’s Almanac 2015 Vol 3)
Mermaids From Yuggoth (In the Prison of the Squid Sorcerer)
Raven Crowking Presents Gary Con 2017 Special: Items of Magic
Raven Crowking's Birthday Mathom 2013
Raven Crowking's Birthday Mathom 2014
Raven Crowking's Birthday Mathom 2015
Raven Crowking's Birthday Mathom 2016
Raven Crowking's Birthday Mathom 2017
The Arwich Grinder (Crawl! fanzine #9)
The Black Feather Blade (Goodman Games Gen Con 2015 Program Book)
The Imperishable Sorceress (DCC RPG/Xcrawl Free RPG Day 2013 and DCC #89: Chaos Rising)
The Mysterious Valley (D.A.M.N. #1 Winter 2017)
The Revelation of Mulmo
The Revelation of Mulmo Tentacled Edition
The Tomb of the Squonk (Pulp Weird Encounters #1: The Tomb of the Squonk and the Silent Army)
The Tribe of Ogg and the Gift of Suss
Thirteen Brides of Blood (The Gong Farmer's Almanac 2017 Vol 7)
Vance's Merry Men (Appendix N Adventures Add-Ons #1)

Co-Wrote (Two or more authors working on the same material)

50 Fantastic Functions For The D50
Angels, Daemons, and Beings Between
Angels, Daemons, and Beings Between: Expanded, Otherworldy Edition
Curse of Mistwood
DCC #89: Chaos Rising (The Imperishable Sorceress)
DCC #91.2: Lairs of Lost Agharta
Fearsome Critters
Grimic the Slaughterer (Appendix N Adventures Add-On #7)
The Perplexing Disappearances in Brambury (Appendix N Adventures Add-Ons #1)
RC 1: The Hypercube of Myt
RC 2: Death By Nexus
RC 3: The Shambling Un-dead

Converted to DCC

DCC #76.5: Well of the Worm
DCC #79.5: Tower of the Black Pearl
DCC #82.5: Dragora's Dungeon
DCC #85.5: The Curse of the Kingspire
GM Gems Hardcover Second Printing
PM 1: Temple of the Locust Lord
PM 2: Desolate Dwarven Delve
Races of Porphyra: Erkunae
Races of Porphyra: Ith'n Ya'roo
Xcrawl: Anaheim Crawl (DCC RPG Edition)
Xcrawl: BostonCrawl (DCC RPG Edition)
Xcrawl: Dungeonbattle Brooklyn (DCC RPG Edition)

Other DCC Writing Credits

AL 1-5: The Stars are Falling (bridging material)
Angels, Daemons, and Beings Between Volume 2: Elfland Edition (Forward)
Black Powder, Black Magic Vol. 3 (Varmints!: The Malcupine)
Children of the Sun
Crawl! fanzine #3 (Magic Wand)
Crawl! fanzine #9 (But He Sure Had Guts!)
Crawl! fanzine #10 (Half Levels)
Crawl! fanzine #11 (The Deep Elders)
Crawling Under A Broken Moon fanzine #7 (Bounders)
D.A.M.N. #1 Winter 2017 (Converting Material to DC and  It’s All Greek to Me!)
DCC #71: The 13th Skull (Seven Strange Skulls)
DCC #84: Peril on the Purple Planet Boxed Set (additional writing for The Purple Planet Companion and Lost Tombs of the Ancients)
DCC #91.1: The Lost City of Barako
DCC Lankhmar (additional writing)
Goodman Games Gen Con 2015 Program Book (The Black Feather Blade and one of several authors  of The Hypercube of Myt)
Goodman Games Gen Con 2016 Program Book (one of several authors of Death by Nexus)
Maiden Voyage of the Colossus (DCC stats)
Monster Alphabet
Sanctum Secorum Episode #09 Companion: Two From H.P. Lovecraft (Born of the Old Ones)
Sanctum Secorum Episode #17 Companion: A Night in the Lonesome October (The Experiment Man and The Ripper’s Blade)
Sanctum Secorum Episode #20 Companion: Tarzan of the Apes (Tarzan)
Sanctum Secorum Episode #30 Companion: Sign of the Labrys (Yeast Plagues)
Secret Santicore 2016 (Yddgrrl, the World Root)
The Gong Farmer's Almanac 2016 Vol 3 (Two Roaches for Your Adventures)

Writing for Other RPGs

Dragon Roots #0 (Be Thee for Law or Chaos)
Dragon Roots #1 (Campaign Considerations: Tropical Adventures, Faerie Encounters, Races & Paragons from the Middle World, Tribute to Gary Gygax, and What's Over There?: Temple of the Golden Ape)
Dragon Roots #2 (Campaign Considerations: Coastal Regions)
Dragon Roots #3 (Balmorphos and Campaign Considerations of Mountainous Areas)
Petty Gods: Revised & Expanded Edition (Poisoned Cup of Life, Rod of Destiny, and Twisted Crown)
The Dungeon of Crows - First 28 Rooms
The Dungeon of Crows 2 - Avatar of Yog Sutekhis

Saturday 25 November 2017

CE 9: Both Foul and Deep

Mark Gedak at Purple Duck Games is experimenting with ways to bring products to you at a reasonable cost. The most recent Campaign Element, for instance, is being sourced through Go Fund Me so that it can be releases in Pay What You Want (for the pdf version, anyway). The goal is to cover art and writing costs, as well as layout and design. All the writing is done.

CE 9: Both Foul and Deep takes your PCs into the sewers beneath a major metropolis. In addition to an example of how such a location can be set up to Quest For It (a nine-location adventure using a map designed by Paratime's Tim Hartin), you gain materials to help you create your own sewer encounters.

This includes 30 monsters (not including those who are encountered in the aforementioned adventure), diseases one can contract through exploring sewers and cesspits, and a discussion of the types of humans one might encounter in the sewers and vaults beneath the city. My recent trip to Scotland, and touring the vaults below Edinburgh, was of some use here.

If you are at all interested, I would urge you to drop by the Go Fund Me page here.

What is in this Volume?

Appendix N literature is filled with cities, glorious or decaying. Beneath the streets of these urban centers lies a region dank, foul with the effluvia of countless generations, flowing through crumbling brickwork in the malodorous darkness. If your players are anything like mine, sooner or later they will wish to have their characters delve into these fetid morasses.

This product is intended to ensure that you are ready. To that end, a small area of sewers is described, with several hooks to entice PCs into investigating. Three appendixes supply added content to expand the original area or to create sewers of your own. The last appendix is an abbreviated patron write-up of Squallas, Mistress of the Night Soil Rivers, whose domain is the sewers.

You Say 30 Monsters. Can You Give Us an Example?

Stinkdew: Init always last; Atk none; AC 12; HD 2d8; MV 1’; Act none; SP glue, wrap, digestive enzymes, vulnerable to fire (x2 damage); SV Fort +5, Ref -10, Will +0; AL N.

This fungal plant is similar to a sundew, in that it gives off a scent to attract prey, which it then adheres to and closes around to digest. In this case, the fungus gives off a horrid stench like rotting meat, which gives the thing its name. The fungus otherwise appears like a leather collection of dark rags. It can detach itself from the ground and move along slowly, in the manner of a slime mold. Stinkdews are easily avoided by characters who know what they are, but are hazardous to the uninitiated or those who might encounter them while in flight from something else. For this reason, they subsist mainly on unintelligent prey.

Any creature or object that comes into contact with a stinkdew is caught fast. On the first round, it requires a DC 10 Strength check to pull free. Each round, the DC increases by +2 and the fungus wraps more and more of itself around its victim. On the third round, the stinkdew’s digestive enzymes activate, causing 1d3 damage per round. These enzymes can digest wood, bone, paper, leather, and cloth – anything organic – but leave metal items and stone undamaged.

Even after escaping, a victim discovers that the sticky glue of the stinkdew coats him, causing a -1d on the dice chain to all die rolls until 1d3 hours have passed or the goo is washed off with alcohol. Worse, the victim stinks during this time, doubling the chances of a random encounter and making it all but impossible to surprise any creature with a sense of smell.

Stinkdews are easily burned, but that can create its own hazard in the sewers (see page XX).

(This is the least dangerous of the 30 monsters. The most dangerous....well, encounters for high-level PCs are supported.)