Thursday 25 April 2013

Condolences for John Adams

John Adams of Brave Halfling Publishing and his wife recently lost their baby daughter, who was due in July. As a parent of three, I can only imagine how devastating this must be.

In my contacts with John, he has always impressed me as a genuinely good person, someone who is passionate about what he does, and about the people around him.

I know that it would mean something to me that people cared enough to do something, even if it can't undo a loss.

So, on Sunday, at 9 pm Toronto time, I'm going to send something to John and his family.  The card will just be "We sympathize with your loss, and we want you to know that we are here for you.  From your friends in the DCC community."

Because, really, we are a community.  Or we should be.

If you want to contribute, great.  I'll be using PayPal, and what I send will be based on what I can afford.  You can add to that amount by sending a donation to ravencrowking at hotmail dot com.  Your donation will go to sending condolences, and no other purpose.  Cut-off time is 8 pm Eastern Daylight Time.  Any contribution, small or large, is welcome.  There will be no list of contributors, because it is better if it comes from all of us, even those of us living paycheck to paycheck or who don't use PayPal.

I don't have any better idea.  I feel the need to do something.

Spread the word.  Let's get this done.


  1. Our hearts go out to John and his family.. what a sad news to have to share.

  2. Is that cutoff time for Sunday?

    dave przybyla

    1. Correct. That way I can place the order for delivery on Monday.

  3. Thank you for doing this. I was really upset to read his update the other day, but not knowing him personally, I didn't know how to go about reaching out except to comment "I'm so sorry" on the update. Thanks.

    1. You are welcome. Together we managed to purchase one of the nicer flower arrangements available, and I received an email from the florist yesterday confirming delivery. It doesn't do much, I know, but it is at least something tangible that shows that people care.

      Thank you everyone; I could not have done this alone.
