Friday 5 July 2024

Let’s Convert the Melnibonéan Mythos: Vampire Trees and Vulture Lion

This is the final post converting creatures from the Melnibonéan Mythos section in the original version of Deities & Demigods. As previously noted, I will also be converting creatures from the Hawkmoon and Stormbringer games, but only those which are unique to the setting. Converting war jaguars is worthwhile. Converting wolves, bears, and falcons would simply reproduce work I am already doing or which has already been done.

Because I have converted Hawkmoon creatures, but not those from Stormbringer yet, for my Patreon, you will be seeing those here first. Stormbringer conversions will hit the Patreon later this year, with them being reposted to this blog sometime next year.

If there ever is an Eternal Champion DCC Boxed Set, I would expect the team at Goodman Games to do what they have done for all literary conversions to this point - go through the actual works in question and convert from primary sources. In that event, while having an extra set of statistics for, say, vampire trees might be useful to the harried judge, the official conversions in the boxed set should be closer to the original author's true intent.

Vampire Trees

Vampire Tree: Init +0; Atk none; AC 20; HD 12d8; MV 0’; Act 1d20; SP release leaves, never surprised, fire vulnerability; SV Fort +16, Ref -10, Will +6; AL N.

Vampire Tree Leaf: Init +0; Atk touch +8 melee (attach and blood drain); AC 11; HD 2 hp; MV fly 30’; Act 1d16; SP attach, blood drain (1d4 Stamina damage, Fort DC 12 for half); SV Fort -4, Ref +6, Will +0; AL N.

These appear to be natural trees of other kind, but are possessed of a low, evil intelligence. When creatures approach within 50 feet, they release 1d10 leaves, which seem to drift downward as do leaves everywhere. When they come in contact with a body, the leaves attach themselves. The following round, they drain blood from their victims, at a rate of 1d4 Stamina damage per round (Fort DC 12 for half), until their victim is drained of blood, moves more than 360 feet from the parent tree, or they are forcibly detached. Surviving leaves return the their parent tree to feed it with their victim’s blood.

A vampire tree can only control 10 leaves at a time, but its supply of replacement leaves is effectively limitless. They take twice normal damage from fire and fire-based attacks, and consequently fear flames.

Vulture Lion

Vulture Lion: Init +4; Atk claw +6 melee (2d6) or bite +4 melee (3d6); AC 18; HD 8d8+16; MV 40’; Act 3d20; SP immunity to fear, +5 to saves vs. spells and magic, death throes; SV Fort +10; Ref +4; Will +5; AL C.

These huge creatures were created by the Melnibonéans from the raw fibers Chaos itself. They appear as enormous lions, 10 feet tall at the shoulder, with the head and talons of vultures. In Limbo, they hunt in prides of 3d4 members. Summoned to the Fields We Know, they are fierce combatants, but the summoner must succeed in an additional DC 15 Intelligence check to command these creatures. Failure means they turn on their summoner, killing them if possible. If their summoner is slain, the powers of Chaos return the vulture lions to Limbo. When a vulture lion is slain, the Chaos bound within it unravels – creatures within 30’ must succeed in a Luck check or suffer a random corruption effect. Roll 1d10 modified by Luck: (3 or less) Greater Corruption, (4-6) Major Corruption, (7 or more) Minor Corruption.

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