Monday 8 July 2024

Let’s Convert the Hawkmoon Bestiary: The Machine-Beast, Mesmerose, and Minim

Looking at the Hawkmoon RPG, it is pretty clear that, while some stats scale along the same lines as Dungeons & Dragons (at it appeared at the time) or Dungeon Crawl Classics, the correspondence is not always “1 to 1”.  Ultimately, it has to be our goal to make material usable for the game we are playing. In this case, I am adjusting material to meet DCC’s design, and that requires interpretation of the source material.

Not everything in Hawkmoon requires a full statblock, or even a standard statblock. Some things just require the judge to have rules available for their effects. The Mesmerose in this post, and the Jeebies in the last, are good examples of this. Otherwise, these statistics are based almost entirely on Hawkmoon, which means that there might be some differences between them and the original Tragic Millennium stories. If a creature appears in Hawkmoon (or Stormbringer, when I get to it) that also appears in the Deities & Demigods tome, I will either do a separate conversion, or note that the source material doesn’t differ enough to make a separate conversion worthwhile.

The Machine-Beast

Machine-Beast: Init +0; Atk talon +8 melee (2d10) or bite +6 melee (2d10) or tail lash +6 melee (1d10) or crush +2 melee (5d10); AC 20; HD 12d12; hp 88; MV 40’; Act 3d20; SP construct, DR 20, sharp weapon-breaking plating, crush; SV Fort +12, Ref +4, Will +0; AL N.

“It crouched on metal feet, towering over them, its multi-colored scales half-blinding them. The length of its back, save for its neck, was a mass of knife-sharp horns. It had a body fashioned … like an ape’s, with short hind legs and long forelegs, ending in hands of taloned metal. Its eyes were multifaceted like a fly’s, and its snout was full of razor-sharp metal teeth.”


There is only one Machine-Beast, which guards Soryandum, attacking anything entering the cavern except the Wraith-folk. A creation of the Wraith-folk of Soryandum, placed to protect their artifacts from outsiders, it can presumably be repaired by the Wraith-folk through proxies, so even though Hawkmoon rendered the creature blind when he encountered it, that may no longer be the case. Moreover, the mechanism itself may have some self-repair function which, over time, “heals” whatever damage it takes.

The metal plating of the machine-beast makes it difficult to damage. It subtracts the first 20 points of damage from any successful attack against it, regardless of the source. Worse, anyone who makes a successful melee attack against the machine-beast must roll a Reflex save, with varying effects based on the result: (5 or less) non-magical weapon shattered plus 1d8 damage from sharp protuberances, (6-10) 1d6 damage from knife-sharp horns, or (11+) no effect.

The machine-beast’s crush attack uses all of its action dice, but attacks all targets in a 15’ radius up to 20’ away from the machine-beast’s starting location. The machine-beast leaps into the air, attempting to land on its victim(s). It’s half-blinding scales make it more difficult to hit, and are already factored into the creature’s Armor Class. Although a construct, critical hits and mighty deeds can damage its functioning.


Brilliant flowers made from what appears to be rainbow-hued crystal, these plants enthrall those who see them and fail to make a DC 15 Will save. Enthralled creatures can do nothing other than gaze upon the flower until they die of hunger and thirst or another creature intervenes (by pulling the victim away, interrupting their vision, etc.). A new save is required each time a mesmerose is glimpsed. In addition from offering some protection from being eaten themselves, this defense utilizes the creatures destroyed through privation as fertilizer when they decompose.

Intelligent creatures aware of the presence of mesmerose bushes may use them to capture intruders, although they run the same risk should they accidently glance at the plants themselves.


Minim: Init +2; Atk miniature spear +0 melee (1d3-2, minimum 0); AC 14; HD 1 hp; MV 20’; Act 1d16; SV Fort -4; Ref +4; Will -4; AL N.

Minim swarm: Init +2; Atk swarming spears and bites +2 melee (1d3); AC 16; HD 3d8; MV 20’; Act special; SP swarm traits; SV Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +0; AL N.

Hairy mutant humans with completely hairless heads, minims live in the ruins of Yei. They have neither language nor culture, and are not normally dangerous. Minims may watch intruders from behind cover, but these shy creatures do nothing else unless compelled to by magic or super-science. In this case, or if somehow otherwise provoked, they attack en masse as a swarm.

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