Friday, 10 August 2012

Patrons & Projects VII: A Tidbit of Radu

Not quite $3,000 yet, but with GenCon this weekend, I know folks are going to be away.  So here's a bitty bit to tide you over:

Warren Walk
Level:  3 (Radu)

Range:  Varies
Duration:  Varies
Casting time:  1 Minute
Save:  None


The caster, and possible one or more allies, passes through one rabbit warren, exiting through another rabbit warren one minute later.  Depending upon the value of the spell check, the second warren may be very far away.  The caster must begin at the site of a rabbit warren and must exit through another rabbit warren (although either warren may be abandoned).    The caster may choose to exit through a rabbit warren that he is aware of, so long as it is within range, or may choose to exit through any random warren within range (rolled randomly from known warrens, or chosen by the judge, as the judge deems appropriate).  The travellers need not worry about food or water while travelling, as this appears in the tunnels of the warrens.  Unwilling creatures cannot be forced to warren walk with this spell.  Obviously, this spell cannot take the caster to a place where rabbits do not exist, or where rabbits create individual burrows rather than warrens.


Roll 1d3:  (1) the warren mouths seems to stretch to accommodate the travellers, snapping back to its normal size immediately after they pass, (2) the travellers shrink to pass through the warren mouth, regaining their normal sizes once they have exited the far warren, (3) the travellers are transformed into rabbits, with their gear merging into their bodies, becoming their normal selves again only after they have exited the far warren.


Lost, failure, and patron taint.
Failure.  Lost.
Failure, but the spell is not lost.
The caster may pass through the warren, reappearing through another warren not more than 10 minutes distant.  It takes the caster 1d3 minutes to navigate the winding passages of the warrens before he can discover the extradimensional passage that will allow him to arrive at his destination.
The caster and up to three other creatures may pass through the warren, reappearing through another warren not more than 25 miles distant.  It takes the caster 1d6 minutes to navigate the winding passages of the warrens before he can discover the extradimensional passage that will allow him to arrive at his destination.  If any of the other travellers with him do not remain with him during this time, but strike out on their own, roll 1d6, modifying the result by the straying traveller’s Luck modifier:  (0 or less) the traveller becomes lost inside the warrens, and is never seen again, (1-2) the traveller exits through the same warren that he entered by, after 1d6 hours, (3-4) the traveller exits through another warren which is neither the intended target nor the starting point, after 1d6 x 10 minutes, (5+) the traveller exits through the same destination warren as the caster, 1d6 minutes after the caster does.
The caster and up to six other creatures may pass through the warren, reappearing through another warren not more than 50 miles distant.  It takes the caster 3d6 minutes to navigate the winding passages of the warrens before he can discover the extradimensional passage that will allow him to arrive at his destination.  If any of the other travellers with him do not remain with him during this time, but strike out on their own, roll 1d6, modifying the result by the straying traveller’s Luck modifier:  (1 or less) the traveller becomes lost inside the warrens, and is never seen again, (2-3) the traveller exits through the same warren that he entered by, after 1d6 hours, (4-5) the traveller exits through another warren which is neither the intended target nor the starting point, after 1d6 x 10 minutes, (6+) the traveller exits through the same destination warren as the caster, 2d6 minutes after the caster does.
The caster and up to nine other creatures may pass through the warren, reappearing through another warren not more than 100 miles distant.  It takes the caster 3d10 minutes to navigate the winding passages of the warrens before he can discover the extradimensional passage that will allow him to arrive at his destination.  If any of the other travellers with him do not remain with him during this time, but strike out on their own, roll 1d6, modifying the result by the straying traveller’s Luck modifier:  (2 or less) the traveller becomes lost inside the warrens, and is never seen again, (3-4) the traveller exits through the same warren that he entered by, after 2d6 hours, (5-6) the traveller exits through another warren which is neither the intended target nor the starting point, after 2d6 x 10 minutes, (7+) the traveller exits through the same destination warren as the caster, 3d6 minutes after the caster does.
The caster and up to a dozen other creatures may pass through the warren, reappearing through another warren not more than 500 miles distant.  It takes the caster 3d14 minutes to navigate the winding passages of the warrens before he can discover the extradimensional passage that will allow him to arrive at his destination.  If any of the other travellers with him do not remain with him during this time, but strike out on their own, roll 1d6, modifying the result by the straying traveller’s Luck modifier:  (3 or less) the traveller becomes lost inside the warrens, and is never seen again, (4-5) the traveller exits through the same warren that he entered by, after 3d6 hours, (6-7) the traveller exits through another warren which is neither the intended target nor the starting point, after 2d12 x 10 minutes, (8+) the traveller exits through the same destination warren as the caster, 3d10 minutes after the caster does.
The caster and up to fifteen other creatures may pass through the warren, reappearing through another warren not more than 1,000 miles distant.  It takes the caster 3d16 minutes to navigate the winding passages of the warrens before he can discover the extradimensional passage that will allow him to arrive at his destination.  If any of the other travellers with him do not remain with him during this time, but strike out on their own, roll 1d8, modifying the result by the straying traveller’s Luck modifier:  (4 or less) the traveller becomes lost inside the warrens, and is never seen again, (5-6) the traveller exits through the same warren that he entered by, after 3d8 hours, (7-8) the traveller exits through another warren which is neither the intended target nor the starting point, after 3d12 x 10 minutes, (9+) the traveller exits through the same destination warren as the caster, 5d12 minutes after the caster does.
The caster and all allied creatures present may pass through the warren, reappearing through another warren anywhere on the same plane.  It takes the caster 1d6 hours to navigate the winding passages of the warrens before he can discover the extradimensional passage that will allow him to arrive at his destination.  If any of the other travellers with him do not remain with him during this time, but strike out on their own, roll 1d8, modifying the result by the straying traveller’s Luck modifier:  (4 or less) the traveller becomes lost inside the warrens, and is never seen again, (5-6) the traveller exits through a far distant warren, at least 10d10 x 100 miles away from where he wishes to be, arriving after 2d6 days, (7-8)   the traveller exits through the same warren that he entered by, after 1d6 days, (9-10) the traveller exits through another warren which is neither the intended target nor the starting point, but is at least no more than 1d10 x 10 miles from the intended target warren,  after 3d6  hours, (11+)  the traveller exits through the same destination warren as the caster, 1d6 hours after the caster does.
The caster and all allied creatures present may pass through the warren, reappearing through another warren anywhere, even within another plane of existence.  It takes the caster 3d6 hours to navigate the winding passages of the warrens before he can discover the extradimensional passage that will allow him to arrive at his destination.  If any of the other travellers with him do not remain with him during this time, but strike out on their own, roll 1d10, modifying the result by the straying traveller’s Luck modifier:  (6 or less) the traveller becomes lost inside the warrens, and is never seen again, (7-8) the traveller exits into the wrong plane, where the rabbits may be very strange indeed (for example, a fiendish plane where the rabbits are as large as tigers and carnivorous, a plane of clouds where the rabbits are winged, a western plain where six-shooters and jackelopes are the order of the day, or a sylvan plane where the rabbits can all teleport and have horns like those of unicorns), arriving after 3d8 weeks, (9-10) the traveller ends up on the correct plane, but is at least 10d10 x 100 miles away from where he wishes to be, arriving after 2d6 weeks, (11-12)  the traveller exits through the same warren that he entered by, after 1d6 weeks, (13-14) the traveller exits through another warren which is neither the intended target nor the starting point, but is at least no more than 1d10 x 10 miles from the intended target warren,  after 3d6  days, (15+)  the traveller exits through the same destination warren as the caster, 1d6 days after the caster does.

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