Friday 28 June 2024

Let’s Convert the Melnibonéan Mythos: Elenoin, Grahluk, and Kelmain

This is the second post converting the Melnibonén Mythos from the original version of Deities & Demigods. As before, these are based off the D&DG write-ups, and may not be 100% consistent with the Michael Moorcock source material. When I am finished, I will also convert creatures from the Hawkmoon and Stormbringer games.

I've already done Hawkmoon conversions on my Patreon, but have not addressed Stormbringer there yet, so those (Stormbringer) creature conversions won't be available here until some time in 2025.


Elenoin: Init +3; Atk two-handed sword +3 melee (1d10+2) or bite +0 melee (1d3); AC 14; HD 3d10; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP: 25% magic resistance, multiversal travel, immune to fear, hereditary enemies; SV Fort +3; Ref +4; Will +7; AL N.

The hordes of the Elenoin traverse the multiverse, hunting and fighting their hereditary enemies, the Grahluk (see below). They appear as beautiful naked red-haired women, with shark-like teeth, made hideous by their obvious insanity and fury. They are immune to fear, and never need to make morale checks. Spells and non-permanent magics have a 25% chance of being dispelled immediately upon contact with the Elenoin (doing no damage).

An Elenoin horde consists of 4d20 of these creatures. How they travel the multiverse is unknown, but when the Elenoin appear in the Lands We Know (through summoning or otherwise), there is a 5% chance that a Grahluk horde will appear 1d5 rounds later. Given the opportunity, Elenoin fight any Grahluks present no matter what other dangers or persuasion may be present. The call to exterminate their hereditary enemies is so strong that no magic – not even possession – may control the urge.


Grahluk: Init +0; Atk rope net +3 melee (entangle) or fist +5 melee (1d4+5) or rope whip +5 melee (10’ range, 1d6+5); AC 19; HD 4d8; MV 40’; Act 1d20; SP: entangle (DC 15 Reflex negates, DC 15 Strength or Agility check to escape, cumulative -2 penalty to escape checks per round spent entangled), 95% magic resistance, multiversal travel, hereditary enemies; SV Fort +7; Ref +2; Will +6; AL N.

The Grahluks are the devolved hereditary enemies of the Elenoin (see above), appearing as ape-like humanoids, ten feet tall and very broad. They hunt, and are hunted in turn, by the Elenoin. Spells and other magical effects have a 95% chance of failing (minus spell check result, if appropriate) on contact with a Grahluk, doing no harm. Although there is thought to be an ancient ritual for summoning them, unless they are being summoned to fight the Elenoin, their magic resistance comes into play.

Grahluks are not very intelligent, and may be tricked by cunning PCs. They use nets, shields, and ropes of tremendous strength and mass as whips. Those successfully hit with a Grahluk net must succeed in a DC 15 Reflex save or become entangled. Entangled creatures may attempt a DC 15 Strength or Agility check to escape, but suffer a cumulative -2 penalty to escape checks per round spent entangled until they are unable to escape. If deprived of its shield, a Grahluk’s AC is reduced to 18.

Like the Elenoin, Grahluks have some mysterious means of traveling the multiverse, and do so in bands of 4d20 to hunt and kill the Elenoin.  It cannot be overstated how deep the enmity between the Elenoin and Grahluks runs. The only goal a Grahluk has in life is the killing of Elenoin, or death on an Elenoin blade. After defeating them in any battle, Grahluks use their hereditary enemy’s swords to kill themselves as well.


Kelmain: Init +0; Atk short sword +1 melee (1d6) or by weapon +1 melee (by weapon); AC 18; HD 1d10; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP Immunity to petrifaction and paralysis; SV Fort +4; Ref +1; Will +2; AL C.

These savage creatures hail from that Limbo which lies beyond the World’s Edge. They are golden-skinned humanoids, appearing to be carved out of rock, with square eye sockets. They wear angular golden-colored armor and fight with gold-colored swords of some unknown metal from far Limbo. This is neither steel nor iron, and elves can use it without penalty. Kelmain troops may have other weapons, and know how to construct and use various siege engines and other engines of war.

The Kelmain do not speak any known language, and if summoned they will keep whatever land they have fought over, if at all possible. A Kelmain fighting force consists of 10 to 10,000 individuals, depending upon their summoner’s power and desires, and the discretion of the judge.

For every 10 individuals, one will be a leader-type with +1 Hit Die. For every 50 individuals, one will have +2 Hit Dice and +1 to all attacks. For every 250 troops, one will have +3 Hit Dice, +2 to all attacks, and +1 to damage and all saves. For every 1,000 individuals, one will have +4 Hit Dice, +3 to all attacks, and +2 to damage and all saves. For every 5,000 troops, one will have +5 Hit Dice and +3 to all attacks, damage, and saves. Finally, if a full 10,000 Kelmain appear, they will be led by a warlord with 8 Hit Dice, and a +4 bonus to all attack rolls, damage, and saves.

1 comment:

  1. I used to daydream about the hostilities between the apemen and the naked red Sonjas as a young guy. I can’t even recall now which part of the Elric saga they appear in although I know I read them all in my mid 20’s. Thanks for the nostalgia! Maybe I’ll use these in my game on Friday
