Thursday 18 August 2022

Let’s Convert the Fiend Folio: Garbug (Black and Violet) and Giant (Fog and Mountain)

Garbugs are some large creatures, but I think that there is a call for a smaller variety as well. I have therefore introduced the dwarf garbug (which, at least, matches the illustration from the Fiend Folio). I have also implied the existence of other garbug types, each with a different coloration. If you ever create statistics for these creatures, I would love to hear about it.

Giants are described on pages 414-416 of the core rulebook, and judges are given even more guidance on pages 161-164 of the DCC RPG Annual Volume 1. These conversions are very much built off of those listings, and the judge is encouraged to use the material therein to make each giant unique. Giants in Dungeon Crawl Classics are no joke, and judges are encouraged to consider using them for more than just combat encounters.

(Or throw one into your next funnel for the sheer hilarity of it!)



Black Garbug: Init +0; Atk Proboscis +1 melee (1d4) or tentacles +0 melee (paralysis); AC 15; HD 2d6+2; MV 20’ or fly 10’; Act 2d20; SP Infravision 60’, paralysis (2d6 rounds, Fort DC 10 negates); SV Fort +3; Ref +1; Will +0; AL N.

Violet Garbug: Init +0; Atk Claw +2 melee (1d6) or tentacles +1 melee (paralysis); AC 15; HD 3d6+3; MV 20’ or fly 10’; Act 2d20; SP Infravision 60’, paralysis (2d8 rounds, Fort DC 15 negates); SV Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +0; AL N.

Dwarf Garbug: Init +2; Atk Proboscis +2 melee (1) or claws +1 melee (1d4) or tentacles +0 melee (paralysis); AC 17; HD 1d3; MV 10’ or fly 20’; Act 1d20; SP Infravision 60’, paralysis (1d3 rounds, Fort DC 5 negates); SV Fort +2; Ref +4; Will +0; AL N.

Garbugs are large (9-foot long) creatures which resemble lobsters, but which have wasp-like waists and filmy wings. While garbugs can fly, their wings are not strong, neither giving them speed nor grace, nor allowing them to fly for long. They have 2-foot-long tentacles surrounding their mouths, which exudes a paralyzing secretion (it is possible to collect 3d4 doses from a dead garbug with a successful Handle Poison check; this poison remains potent for 2d4 days).

Black Garbug: The black garbug is a uniform glossy black. It has, in addition to its tentacles, a proboscis which it uses to strike at its victims.

Violet Garbug: The violet garbug differs from its black cousin in that two large pincer-like claws instead of a proboscis.

Dwarf Garbug: Much smaller than the other varieties of garbugs, the dwarf garbug is only a foot long. It is somewhat better at flying, and has both claws and proboscis. Only 1d3 doses of paralyzing agent can be recovered from a dwarf garbug.

Although black and violet garbugs are very rare, rarer still are the crimson, emerald, and azure subspecies, which are said to be even more potent. Dwarf garbugs may be somewhat more common.


Giant (Fog)

Fog Giant (14’ tall, 1500 lbs): Init +3; Atk Huge sword +21 melee (4d8+8) or fist +18 melee (1d8+8) or hurled stone +12 missile fire (2d8+8, range 300’); AC 16; HD 14d10; MV 50’; Ac t 2d24; SP Keen senses, blend into fog or mist (+10 Stealth), crit 20-24; SV Fort +14; Ref +11; Will +7; AL Varies.

Fog giants have very keen hearing and an excellent sense of smell, which makes them difficult to surprise (DCs to hide from, or sneak up on, such giants have a +10 modifier to their DC). They can blend into fog and mist, making them difficult to spot even for such large creatures. For this reason, they inhabit foggy areas such as marshes, swamps, dense forests end places near the sea coast. Roll 1d3 to determine a fog giant’s alignment: (1) Lawful, (2) Neutral, or (3) Chaotic.

These creatures are closely related to the cloud giants, and may sometimes be encountered in their company. They have milk-white skin, silvery white hair and black, penetrating eyes. Fog giants love massive ornate swords and prefer armor made from white-hued dragon hides studded with silver.



Giant (Mountain)

Mountain Giant (14’ tall, 2000 lbs): Init +0; Atk Huge club +18 melee (4d6+8) or hurled stone +10 missile fire (2d8+8, range 250’); AC 15; HD 12d10; MV 50’; Act 2d24; SP Infravision 90’, summon and control monsters, crit 20-24; SV Fort +16; Ref +9; Will +5; AL C.

Mountain giants lair in huge caverns carved out of the hearts of rocky mountains, and are rarely encountered elsewhere. They have light tan to light reddish-brown skin and dress in rough hides or skins, as do hill giants.

Mountain giants can summon and control other monsters. It takes time to summon creatures and establish control – days, or even weeks – but a mountain giant lair will be protected by these creatures 75% of the time. Roll 1d20: (1-13) 1d10+5 ogres, (14-17) 1d6+3 trolls, (18-19) 1d4 hill giants, or (20) another creature, or group of creatures, of the judge’s devising. These creatures are pressed into service both as servants and guards.


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