Sunday 18 December 2022

Let’s Convert the Fiend Folio: Ssendam, Lord of Madness

The Avatar of Ssendam, Lord of the Insane

Ssendam’s Avatar: Init +5; Atk Black longsword +10 melee (1d8+4 plus stun) or pseudopod +10 melee (2d8 plus XP drain); AC 26; HD 16d12+48; hp 150;  MV 40’ or swim 50’; Act 3d20; SP Spellcasting, stun, XP drain, gate, regenerate 3 hp/round, +3 or better weapons to hit, wish fulfillment, 85% magic resistance; SV Fort +16, Ref +10, Will +22; AL C.

Said to be the most powerful of the slaadi, the Lord of the Insane appears either as an unarmored man wielding a black sword, or as a golden amoeba with a man's brain in place of a nucleus when his avatar is encountered in the Lands We Know. As a man, Ssendam’s sword causes all it strikes to succeed in a DC 16 Fort save or be stunned and unable to move or take any action for the next 1d5 rounds. As an amoeba, its pseudopodia can stretch to 10’ and drain 1d8 XP (Will DC 16 for half) in addition to their damage on a successful attack. If this XP drain brings a character below the required XP for their current level, they immediately lose that level, and are reduced to the previous level. A character that drops below 0 XP is slain.

Ssendam can use an Action Die to gate in another slaad of any type (except Ygorl or other  unique slaadi), and this ability never fails. In addition, Ssendam can cast the following spells as psionic powers, needing no somatic, material, or verbal components (+20 bonus to the spell check): Charm person, comprehend languages, detect invisible, detect magic, dispel magic, ESP, flaming hands, phantasm, planar step, and scare. He may also fulfill another’s wish, if it strikes his fancy to do so, requiring a round in which the Lord of Madness does nothing else.

Ssendam’s avatar regenerates 3 hp each round, so long as he has any hit points left.  He has an 85% chance of being able to ignore a spell (or other magical effect) as though it did not exist (determined before any applicable save is made) and can only be harmed by +3 or better magic weapons.

When encountered, Ssendam always gives his true name, though woe betide he who tries to use it! In that plane where the slaadi are found, his form is that of a large, golden slaad.

Both wizards and elves can bond to Ssendam, and chaotic clerics can dedicate themselves to the Lord of Madness. Although followers of Bobugbubilz may consider him a rival, Ssendam takes little concern for non-slaadi creatures and their affairs. When a non-slaadi performs the ceremony to patron bond with him, they must roll 1d7 and add their Luck modifier to determine what die is used for the spell check. This roll is only made after the casting time has been spent: (1 or less) 1d7, (2) 1d8, (3) 1d10, (4) 1d12, (5) 1d14, (6) 1d16, (7) 1d20, (8) 1d24, or (9+) 1d30.

Invoke Patron check results:


Ssendam can barely be concerned with such a paltry request. A target of the caster’s choice (within 100’) suffers a moment of confusion, causing it to miss its next action.


Ssendam reaches through the caster to cast forget upon one target of the caster’s choice within 100’. If no other target is available, the caster is affected instead. The spell check is made with 1d20+8 – the caster’s mind is not powerful enough to channel Ssendam’s true power!


Ssendam gates 1d3 red slaadi to the caster’s location. These creatures obey the caster resentfully for 1d5 + CL rounds before they are again gated away. If suitably rewarded, they may better regard the caster. Otherwise, meeting these slaadi again without Ssendam’s protection is sure to be a harrowing experience.


Ssendam gates 1d4 blue slaadi to the caster’s location. These creatures obey the caster resentfully for 1d6 + CL turns before they are again gated away. If suitably rewarded, they may better regard the caster. Otherwise, meeting these slaadi again without Ssendam’s protection is sure to be a harrowing experience.


Ssendam gates 1d3 grey slaadi to the caster’s location. These creatures are free-willed. If the caster is in immediate danger, the slaadi will protect them, but afterward they will bargain with the caster for their service (to a maximum of 1d4 + CL days). If suitably rewarded, they serve the caster well. Otherwise, meeting these slaadi again without Ssendam’s protection is sure to be a harrowing experience.


A single free-willed death slaad is gated to the caster’s location. It will protect the caster if they are in immediate danger, but thereafter seeks to bargain with the caster for its service (to a maximum of 1d5 + CL hours). If a bargain cannot be reached, woe unto the caster, for the death slaad will seek to take the caster themself as its reward!


Ssendam gates 1d6 red slaadi to the caster’s location, who permanently serve the caster (until slain). These creatures are resentful unless well rewarded, and will seek to pervert the caster’s intentions while obeying orders unless satisfied. The caster may dismiss them at will (in whole or in part), and they will instantly return to their home plane once dismissed.


Ssendam takes enough interest in the caster to grant a wish. If the caster’s wish is over-exacting, or takes too great a liberty with Ssendam’s largesse (as determined by the judge), the Lord of Madness will pervert the wish to the caster’s woe (again, as determined by the judge). In either case, the results of the wish manifest on the caster’s next initiative.


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