Sunday 10 July 2022

Let’s Convert the Fiend Folio: Algoid, Al-Mi’raj, and Apparition

I am covering three monsters with this post, because I have already done a conversion of one of them. That also means that, with the next post, the letter A will be finished. I really hope that my love for the Fiend Folio is shining through!

Of the three creatures we are doing on this post, the Al-Mi’raj is the closest to my heart. I have used both of the others, but teleporting blink bunnies just have a certain appeal to me. The Apparition is a variant of the ghost, which was required in a system where monsters were not mysterious. I will be building my version of the Apparition largely from the Ghost entry in the Core Rulebook. I think it is useful to see how specific monsters can be built from the materials supplied therein.

The Algoid offers a challenge in that it can control trees. Neither animated trees nor treants are included in the core, but I did create animated tree statistics for Creeping Beauties of the Wood, and they are useful in this context.

As always, the intent is to convert these monsters into creatures which would fit within a Dungeon Crawl Classics adventure!



Algoid: Init +2; Atk fists +3 melee (1d10) or mind blast; AC 15; HD 5d8; MV 20’; Act 2d20; SP: Mind blast, control trees, immunity to mind-affecting, immunity to piercing weapons, half damage from non-magical edged weapons, half damage from fire-based attacks; SV Fort +3; Ref +4; Will +4; AL C.

Although an algoid appears to be a green humanoid with coarse, rough features, it is actually a colony of algae which has taken on this form to develop mobility and rudimentary intelligence. Its form is only of a temporary nature, and if reduced to 0 hp, an algoid collapses again into undifferentiated algae.

Non-magical edged weapons can pass through an algoid doing little harm (half damage), but blunt weapons do full damage. Piercing weapons – including arrows and spears – do no damage at all, even if magical.

Once per day, an algoid can produce a mind blast, which affects all animals within a 30’ radius. These must succeed in a DC 15 Will save, or be stunned and able to take no action for 1d3 rounds. Algoids can also control trees native to their habitat, spending 1 round to establish control over 1d6 trees for up to 1 turn. These trees become animate while under an algoid’s control. No algoid can control more than 6 trees at a time. Controlling trees requires that the algoid uses one Action Die for this purpose each round; if it does not, the trees become inanimate after 1d3 rounds.

Sample Animated Tree: Willow

Animated willow tree: Init +2; Atk lashing branch +2 melee (1d3); AC 14; HD 4d12; MV 20’; Act 2d20; SP 10’ reach, immune to piercing, half damage from bludgeoning, +4 vs. fire, twice normal damage from axes; SV Fort +15; Ref –4; Will +2; AL N.

An animated willow tree attacks with long, thin branches that strike like lashes. They can strike a target up to 10 feet away. Their trunk splits into rudimentary legs to allow locomotion. 

An animated willow takes no damage from piercing weapons, and half damage from bludgeoning ones.  Their plentiful watery sap grants them a +4 bonus to saves against fire and heat. They take double damage from any type of axe. 




Al-mi'raj:  Init +4; Atk impale +0 melee (1d3); AC 12; HD 1d4; MV 20’ plus teleport; Act 1d16; SP teleport; SV Fort -2, Ref +8, Will +0; AL N.

This is a conversion previously posted on my blog. Check out the original post, and you will see my drawing of the critter!

An al-mi’raj appears to be a large rabbit, often with yellowish, blue, or black fur.  It has a one-foot-long pearly horn rising from its forehead.  Al-mi’raj have a natural ability to sense open spaces within 15 feet of them, as well as a limited ability to teleport.  They live in warrens, often built around abandoned burrows, sealed tombs, and other spaces without any obvious entrance or egress.  They are not aggressive, unless their warrens are breached.  Even then, al-mi’raj tend to flee rather than fight.  To many treasure-seekers, al-mi’raj are less of a challenge than an indication that a hidden tomb might exist nearby. Any treasure thus found is incidental, being part of the al-mi’raj lair rather than something intentionally collected by the creatures.

Al-mi’raj can teleport up to a distance of 20 feet as part of their movement each round.  They can also do so when, gaining a Reflex (DC equal to attack roll total) to avoid the attack.  An al-mi’raj who makes this save may automatically places itself into a position where it gains a +2 bonus to its own attack roll.

Whenever possible, al-mi'raj flee via teleportation, teleporting into any hidden open space within 15 feet.  Since al-mi’raj burrows tend to be rabbit-like warrens, there is almost always such a space available.  In their lair, however, al-mi’raj stand to fight.  In this case, they gain a +2 bonus on their attack rolls anytime they successfully teleport away from an attack.

Attempts to domesticate these creatures have, thus far, been utter failures.  Indeed, with their ability to teleport, even managing to keep them captive is nearly impossible.



Apparition: Init +2; Atk Special (see below); AC 10; HD 3d12; MV fly 60’; Act 1d20; SP Un-dead traits, immune to non-magical or silver weapons, sense living up to 100’ away, surprise, spectral strangling attack, create spawn; SV Fort +2; Ref +4; Will +6; AL C.

An apparition is a form of powerful, non-corporeal ghost (see the core rulebook, pp. 413-414). Because it can be harmed by silver, it is reluctant to approach mirrors, or anything else made of that metal. Otherwise, the apparition has a 5 in 6 chance of surprising victims due to its uncanny appearance from a wall, floor, or ceiling. It appears  as an Insubstantial  skeletal being In a thin white robe.

An apparition is unable to physically attack. Its chosen victim feels bony, claw-like fingers at their throat (even through armor), and must succeed in a DC 15 Will save or be overcome with horror, unable to act for the next 1d3 rounds. Worse, for each round a creature is overcome, it must succeed in a DC 12 Fort save or take 1d8 temporary damage. A creature who succeeds in its Will save is thereafter immune to that apparition’s attacks. A creature who survives discovers that all the damage caused by the spectral choking was illusory (and is healed). A creature who is slain by this choking suffers a massive, and fatal, heart attack.

A slain victim which is not blessed by a cleric rises as a new apparition 2d4 hours later, 50% of the time. Such an apparition immediately seeks out its former companions if they are still within 100’.

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