Tuesday 5 April 2022

The Eternally Hungry Caterpillar

Because one of my players demanded it. Garett, I think you have a lot of explaining to do to your fellow party members! 

The Eternally Hungry Caterpillar: Init +2; Atk bite +6 melee (3d6); AC 17; HD 8d12 (starting); hp 96 (starting); MV 40’; Act 1d20; SP consume; SV Fort +12, Ref +2, Will +20; AL C.

Consume: When the Eternally Hungry Caterpillar brings a foe to 0 hp, the Caterpillar can spend 1d3 + victim's HD rounds to utterly consume the body. Each time it does this it grows, gaining 1 HD and 8 hp per full round that it spends eating. If attacked while consuming, the Eternally Hungry Caterpillar will attempt to slay attacking foes before resuming consumption.



  1. This is my favourite one of these for a while, RCK.

  2. This is horrible.

    I love it.

  3. My players recently had a roadside encounter with this beast, they came upon it white it was eating sheep just off the road. The ensuing battle was fantastic with an epic fumble and back to back flubbed backstabs. Ovearll a good challenge for the party (Thief lvl 3, Thief lvl 1, Thief lvl 1, Warrior Lvl 2). No casualties so I didn't get to use it's consume ability, but it still got in some nasty bites. Tons of fun, thanks so much!

    1. I am so pleased to hear this was used, and I have to congratulate your party on surviving the encounter intact. 3d6 damage is no joke!
