Friday 8 October 2021

Albacon Debriefing

Albacon was last weekend, and I ended up running a game for the convention. First off, Albacon is run to support a worthwhile cause. Secondly, the organizers are fantastic people. Third...well, do we really need more reasons than that?

Restraints on time and energy prevented me from submitting more than a single game this year, And, while I suck at remembering to take screen shots while running games, at least one of my players was good enough to remember and post one!

The game I ran was Night of the Comet, which was a playtest scenario. This was a good example of why playtesting can be important, because while the players seemed to be having fun, there were areas of the scenario which definitely need work. Many thanks to Julian, Richie, James, Sam, Martin, and Aaron!


  1. The game was great, didn't notice any areas that needed work which is testament to your excellent GM ability to keep it flowing. I'm glad I remembered to take a screenshot of the players, as I usually forget too! Anyway, good luck with future games and hopefully see you in the flesh at a Con sometime!! Thanks again, Richie and James!

    1. Thank you for the kind words.

      Trust me, though, when I get to a final version, it will be better than the one you played!

  2. Thanks again for having Sam on board. Also good to see my Tabletop Scotland pals Richie and James having a good time too. As always, thanks for being so generous with your time (and your alarm clock) for AlbaCon.

    1. You are very welcome!

      I hope to be able to do this in person in the not-too-distant future!
