Deep beneath the city, where the offal from the sewers collects in
deep pits, dwell the dreaded otyughs. These creatures have three stumpy legs
and three tentacles protruding from an oozing mass of diseased flesh. Two of
the tentacles are long, ending in spiked paddles that can strike or entwine
other creatures. The third tentacle has been modified to support two eyes,
allowing the otyugh to see while submerged in the odious contents of its lair. Its
central body has a huge mouth with sharp fangs capable of delivering deadly
bites. Even if the victim should survive, he may succumb to disease thereafter.
A concealed otyugh automatically gains surprise unless looked for,
and even then it gains surprise on a 5 in 7 chance.
When it makes a tentacle attack, it can reach up to 15’ away. The otyugh
must determine if it wishes to attempt a blow or to entwine prey – a blow does
more damage, but entwined prey takes 1d4 constriction damage each round and can
be drawn 5’ closer. A DC 10 Strength check prevents the otyugh from drawing its
prey nearer during any given round; if the check result is 15+, the victim
escapes. This check is not free; it requires an Action Die.
Anyone bit by the otyugh’s filthy maw must make a DC 15 Fort save or
suffer 1d3 points of Stamina damage. Thereafter, even if the initial save
succeeded, the victim must make an additional DC 10 Fort save each minute or
suffer an additional 1 point of Stamina damage. This condition lasts until
magically healed, three consecutive saves are successful (including the initial
save), or the victim is dead.
Otyughs do not eat freshly killed prey. Instead, they allow bodies
to rot for 3d3 weeks before they are fit for consumption. Because of their
rubbery hide, they take only half damage from bludgeoning weapons. Their bodies
are about 8’ in diameter.
There are persistent rumours of evolved, or neo-otyughs, smaller but
smarter than their more common kin. It is possible to speak to, and bargain
with, these beings. They often know much about the area they live in – be it a
sewer system or a dungeon – and want nothing more than new and interesting
carrion and faeces in return.
Don’t ask. The life of an otyugh, evolved or otherwise, is not
something most humanoids would wish for.
Otyugh: Init +1; Atk tentacle blow +6 melee (1d8+3) or tentacle entangle +4
melee (1d3 plus entangle) or bite +5 melee (1d12 plus disease); AC 16; HD 8d8+16;
MV 20’; Act 2d20; SP surprise, entwine, constrict, draw closer, disease, ½ damage
from bludgeoning weapons, immune to disease and poisons, infravision 120’; SV
Fort +12, Ref +4, Will +4; AL C.
Evolved Otyugh: Init +3; Atk tentacle blow +5 melee (1d6+1) or tentacle entangle +2
melee (1d3 plus entangle) or bite +3 melee (1d8 plus disease); AC 15; HD 6d8+12;
MV 30’; Act 2d20; SP surprise, entwine, constrict, draw closer, disease, ½ damage
from bludgeoning weapons, immune to disease and poisons, infravision 120’; SV
Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +8; AL C.