Thursday 28 July 2022

Let’s Convert the Fiend Folio: Denzelian and Devil (Styx)

It is a fact that fandoms overlap. It was always just a matter of time before references to Star Trek appeared in Dungeons & Dragons. The Denzelian appearing in the Fiend Folio is a little less obvious than when it appeared (under a different name) in the Fiend Factory, and a very different take on the same theme appears in In the Wake of the Zorkul.

In this blog post we pair one Devil in the Dark with a devil from the River Styx. Dungeon Crawl Classics recognizes both demons and devils in its critical hit tables, but there is no mention of the alignment divide between demons and devils. In The 13th Skull, Joseph Goodman has a devil appear which is of Chaotic alignment, and, if anyone should be an authority on the subject of this game, it is him. The Styx Devil herein therefore is Chaotic, and is built in part using the rules for demons.

Frankly, the Styx devil never did anything for me in my AD&D days. If you have a near-TPK, though, this version will offer you the means to reunite the party so that they can traverse Hell together. And, who knows? If the gods smile and the dice are kind, the dead might return to the land of the living once more…?





Denzelian: Init +0; Atk Super-heated touch +3 melee (1d8); AC 20; HD 6d8; MV 5’ or burrow 1’; Act 1d20; SV Fort +8; Ref -4; Will +0; AL N.

Denzelian, Large: Init -2; Atk Super-heated touch +5 melee (2d8); AC 22; HD 16d8; MV 5’ or burrow 1’; Act 1d20; SV Fort +12; Ref -6; Will -2; AL N.

This small creature is peaceful and silicon-based, getting all of its dietary need met by consuming minerals while tunneling through solid rock. They do not consume metals, and detour around even small deposits, creating meandering passages that are nonetheless invaluable to miners. Being silicon-based, they are rarely bothered by other creatures. They can, however, defend themselves.

Denzelians live for around 1,000 years. During their long lives, it is uncommon for a female to encounter a make more than once, so that they typically lay no more than a single clutch of eggs. These eggs look like smooth stone nodules, laid in 2d10 clusters of 1d6+2 eggs each hidden throughout their territory.

Although these eggs are valuable to certain wealthy mine-owners, the adult denzelians will protect them with their lives. These creatures are intelligent, and can use their super-heated underparts to carve messages onto stone surfaces. Establishing communication may well result in mutual benefit to all parties, although denzelians need little from carbon-based lifeforms but to be left alone.

A larger version of this creature exists, being about 10' across and more aggressive in defending its territory and eggs. The larger denzelians are not as intelligent as their smaller cousins, and far less common. Some seemingly nonsensical dungeon paths may have been reworked from the tunnels these larger creatures left behind.


Devil (Styx)

Styx Devil: Init +5; Atk touch +7 melee (2d4 plus transport); AC 21; HD 4d8+4; MV 20’ or fly 40’; Act 2d20; SP Infravision 60’, only harmed by silver or magic weapons, half damage (fire, acid, cold, electricity, and gas), transport (Will DC 17 negates), return to home plane at will (unless bound), crit range 19-20; SV Fort +6; Ref +8; Will +3; AL C.

Styx devils come from the Fifth Circle of Hell, and their main task is to bring souls to the infernal Duke to whom they are bound. They appear humanoid, but their hideously ugly heads are disproportionately large. Their wings are black trimmed with silver.

Their main attack is a mere touch, but, in addition to taking damage, those affected must succeed in a DC 17 Will save or be immediately transported to the Fifth Circle of Hell. Crack open your copy of Dante’s Inferno. It is going to be quite a journey back to the Lands We Know.

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