Wednesday 27 July 2022

Let’s Convert the Fiend Folio: Demon (Lolth)

The letter “D” is a particularly tough one to convert in the Fiend Folio because Lolth, like the Elemental Princes of Evil, really deserves a full patron write-up. I am only doing the invoke patron results here. Call me lazy, but a good full write-up of Lolth would require conversions of material from The Vault of the Drow and Queen of the Demonweb Pits at a bare minimum. Assault of the Aerie of the Slave Lords and the entry for Lolth in Deities & Demigods would also seem applicable. Maybe one day. But not today.

If you want a more robust spider elf lady, I strongly recommend you look at Lumgolit in Angels, Daemons & Beings Between Volume 2: Elfland Edition. The Spider Goddess in Hubris is another good resource.

If you are looking for giant arachnids to go along with Lolth, the DCC Annual Volume 1 has a lot of useful statistics, including a chart for personalizing your giant spiders, etc. You can find statistics for giant rhadogessa in this post.

Demon (Lolth)

Lolth, Demon Queen of Spiders (Type VII Demon): Init +14; Atk Sting +21 melee (2d8 plus poison) or by weapon +21 melee (by weapon +4) or webs or spellcasting; AC 27; HD 17d12 (111hp); MV 40' or climb 40’; Act 4d20; SP Infravision 60’, demon traits, poison (Fort DC 24 or die), webs (as spider web spell, +16 to spell check, natural “1” means failure only), speech, telepathy, spellcasting; possession +21, holy water vulnerability (2d8 damage); SV Fort +12, Ref +16, Will +13, AL C.

            Spells (+22 to spell check): Banish, charm person, darkness, demon summoning, detect invisible, detect magic, dispel magic, lotus stare, magic shield, monster summoning, paralysis, and phantasm.

            Demon traits: Telepathy, immunities (weapons of less than +5 enchantment or natural attacks from creatures of 12 HD or less, fire, cold, electricity, gas, acid), projection (teleport at will to any location, as long as not bound or otherwise summoned; can project astrally and ethereally), crit range 15-20.

Lolth, the Demon Queen of Spiders, is a lesser goddess worshipped by the subterranean drow elves. She can also act as a patron to elves, wizards, and others who fall within her clutches. If encountered in person, she is a hideous, bloated spider with the face of a beautiful woman. Alternatively, she can appear as an exquisitely beautiful drow elf. She sometimes uses this latter form to take lovers, whom she consumes after mating with. Although vulnerable to holy water (taking 2d8 damage per vial), she is vulnerable to little else. None but the bravest or most foolhardy descend to her demonweb in the Abyss; fewer return, and none unscathed. Lolth is able to converse with all kinds of spiders and other arachnids, and they obey her unquestioningly.

Both wizards and elves can bond to Lolth, although non-drow elves who do so are outcasts from Elfland for all time. The ceremony to bond with Lolth must be underground, and it must be in some area where spiders are common. When casting patron bond, casters gain a +1d shift on the dice chain if this area includes giant arachnids of a monstrous nature. Such creatures are not a danger to the caster unless the patron bond fails and Lolth rejects the caster. In this case, the caster becomes just another free meal gifted to them by their demonic goddess.

The drow elves are female-dominated, and males have very little cultural worth. If the caster or subject of a patron bond to Lolth is male, there is a -1d shift on the die chain to the spell check. If a male caster attempts to bond a male target, the penalty is -2d on the dice chain.


Invoke Patron check results:



The Demon Queen of Spiders is barely interested. A spider (or similar creature) bites or stings a target chosen by the caster. This causes the target to forego their next action, but has no other effect.


The caster’s bite becomes venomous for 1d6 + CL rounds. A caster without a bite attack only does 1 point of damage, but the target must succeed in a DC 15 Fort save or take an additional 1d6 + CL damage. The caster can also spit this venom to a 10’ range, which does no bite damage and reduces the Fort save DC to 12.


Lolth grants the caster the ability to move on sheer surfaces and webs as though they were a spider. In addition, all arachnids encountered are friendly to the caster, and will take reasonable orders – including allowing the caster’s friends to pass, or attacking the caster’s enemies. This lasts for CL turns.


The caster’s abdomen swells, producing six additional legs, and turning the caster into a drider-like creature. The caster retains their own upper torso, head, and arms. While in drider form, the caster can move at 40’, and has a 40’ climb speed. The caster can use an Action Die to cast a web from their spinnerets, effectively casting spider web with 1d16, but with no penalty on a failure (even a natural “1”) as this is a biological process. The transformation lasts for 1d3 + CL turns.


As 20-23, above, except that any weapon used by the caster also drips poison for the duration, causing an additional 2d6 damage (Fort DC 15 for half).


1d5 + CL targets, chosen by the caster, are bitten by virulently venomous spiders, causing them to suffer 3d6 damage each. Affected targets must also succeed on a DC 20 Fort save or die.


1d4 + CL spider swarms (as insect swarm, core rulebook p. 419, except with MV 20’) appear within 500’ of the caster, at points specified by the caster. They remain for 2d8 + CL rounds, attacking only targets which are not friendly to the caster. At the end of this duration, they converge on the caster, rapidly covering them, and then disperse. The caster is instantaneously transported to any location known to the caster, where another swarm appears and disgorges the caster before scattering.


Lolth chooses the caster as a paramour. For a year and a day, the caster gains a bonus equal to CL on all attack rolls and saving throws, and is immune to poisons and venoms of all types. At the end of this period, the caster is summoned to the demonweb for a brief period of passionate consummation before being consumed. Lolth does not discriminate based on species or gender. If the caster has a willing replacement, who considers the caster a friend, the caster may attempt a Luck check to make a last-minute substitution!

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