Monday 25 July 2022

Let’s Convert the Fiend Folio: Dakon, Dark Creeper, and Dark Stalker

I think that I have mentioned before that not every monster in the Fiend Folio is a gem. In this case, to keep the Dark Creeper and Dark Stalker together, I am doing three monsters, and the first is definitely rather blasé. I have tried to include some ideas for making the Dakon more interesting in actual play. Ultimately, using less inspiring monsters well might be the hallmark of a great judge, but there are limits.

Actually, going over the old Fiend Factory column from White Dwarf, it is unclear to me why some monsters got picked while others did not. I might do a series of posts converting some of the better (IMHO) Fiend Factory monsters that didn’t make it into the Fiend Folio. If this is something that would be interesting or useful to you, let me know!

Dark Creepers and Dark Stalkers are a great, flavorful monster that will leave your players wondering just what they look like under those robes. It is questionable whether even a charm person spell would make them strip, until you get to higher spell check results, but your players may well burn resources to satisfy their curiosity. Feel free to be as Lovecraftian as you like if that occurs!




Dakon: Init +2; Atk Slam +4 melee (1d6+3) or bite +2 melee (1d3+3); AC 15; HD 1d8+1; MV 40’ or climb 30’; Act 2d20; SP Stealth +10 in jungle terrain; SV Fort +5; Ref +2; Will +4; AL L.

A shabby, intelligent ape with a reasonable grasp of the common tongue, dakon are not as powerful as the average jungle ape-man (see the core rulebook, p. ), but are far better organized. They often have alliances and goodwill with human or near-human neighbors, so long as they are not hostile. Dakon cannot swim, and avoid large expanses of water as a result.

Dakon will not usually attack unless attacked, and may be a safe haven for PCs in the tropics. In a way, this is a nice contrast to the pulp era trope of the dangerous and violent apes. However, as written, these creatures are a little boring, so let’s roll 1d10 to see how this dakon village is different: (1) The creatures have aggressive displays despite being peaceful, (2) These dakon vent their pent-up violent emotions by having periodic times when nothing is considered a violation of the law, and all acts are forgiven, (3) These dakon are the custodians of an ancient (or alien) computer system with a Patron AI, (4) A powerful creature watches over the village and protects against violent acts, (5) The village has given itself over to the worship of a Chaos god, and is no longer peaceful, (6) Although personally non-violent, the dakon have surrounded their village with deadly traps, (7) There is an aberrant murderer in their midst, and strangers are set up to take the fall, (8) They are desperate for help against aggressive neighbors, (9) They have mastered some craft (for example, making ropes which are stronger and lighter than standard) which puts their work in high demand, or (10) Their pacifistic asceticism has led them to immortality, so that none dies save by violence or accident, and none of them ages or grows ill.




Dark Creeper

Dark Creeper: Init +0; Atk Dagger +1 melee (1d4); AC 20 (or 12); HD 1d8+1; MV 25’; Act 1d20; SP Infravision 120’, thief skills, cast darkness 3/day (+6 bonus to spell check and extinguishes non-magical flames), detect magic 15’, spontaneous combustion; SV Fort +3; Ref +2; Will +1; AL C.

            Thief Abilities: Backstab +5, Sneak Silently +5, Hide In Shadows +3, Pick Pocket +1, Climb Sheer Surfaces +3, Pick Lock +3, Find Trap +3, Disable Trap +1, Forge Document +0, Disguise Self +4, Read Languages +0, Handle Poison +5, Cast Spell From Scroll d10.

Dark creepers are halfling-sized humanoids which dwell deep underground. They are pale skinned, where their eyes peep out of their coverings, but they swaddle themselves in layer after layer of dark clothing, so that few have ever seen them. They hate light, seeking to extinguish light sources wherever they can, and are attracted to small magical items such as rings and magic daggers — the judge may devise items of this type which are being carried by a group of dark creepers, or held in common by one of their villages. If a dark creeper is ever encountered without its coverings, its AC is 12.

Dark creepers have thief abilities as outlined above. They do not gain a Luck Die. Dark creepers sense magic items within 15’ without having to specifically concentrate. They are able to cast darkness three times each day, with a +6 bonus to the spell check, and with no penalty for failure (except the use of one of their attempts). In addition, when this power is used, all torches, lanterns and other non-magical sources of illumination within 50' are extinguished and cannot be re-ignited during the next hour if the spell check is even minimally successful.

A dark creeper reduced to 0 hp spontaneously combusts, causing 1d6 damage to all within 10’ for a full 1d6 turns (Reflex DC 12 for half). Metal items survive 80% of the time, but otherwise all traces of the creeper are destroyed.

Dark creepers seem to have two main objectives. First they seek the destruction of lanterns, tinderboxes, flasks of oil, and other objects used to create illumination. Secondly, they are driven to steal any small magical items detected. Self-preservation ranks marginally above such objectives.




Dark Stalker

Dark Stalker: Init +2; Atk Short sword +3 melee (1d6); AC 20 (or 12); HD 2d8+4; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP Infravision 120’, thief skills, cast darkness 3/day (+8 bonus to spell check), detect magic 15’, spontaneous combustion; SV Fort +4; Ref +4; Will +6; AL C.

Thief Skills: Backstab +8, Sneak Silently +8, Hide In Shadows +7, Pick Pocket +3, Climb Sheer Surfaces +7, Pick Lock +7, Find Trap +7, Disable Trap +3, Forge Document +2, Disguise Self +7, Read Languages +2, Handle Poison +8, Cast Spell From Scroll d12.

Dark stalkers are the rarely-seen leaders of the dark creepers. They are nearly a race apart, for they breed almost exclusively amongst themselves. They are instantly noticeable amongst a group of dark creepers as they are man-sized and stand head and shoulders above their underlings. Each dark creeper village has a dark stalker leader. There may be more than one dark stalker present, but this usually occurs only when they are mating.

Dark stalkers have the same abilities as dark creepers, excepting that their bonuses for thief skills and casting darkness are higher. In addition, when a dark stalker spontaneously combusts, it creates a fireball doing 3d6 damage to all within 30’ (Reflex DC 15 for half) and is instantly consumed. Metal items still have an 80% chance of surviving.

Neither dark creepers nor dark stalkers are immune to fire damage. The combustion of one – especially a dark stalker – can set off a chain reaction, causing additional dark creepers to spontaneously combust. This may also ignite broken flasks of oil, causing further havoc.

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