Sunday 24 July 2022

Let’s Convert the Fiend Folio: Crabman and Crypt Thing

There is not a lot of reason to love Crabmen. They are a good all-around monster, and useful in almost any setting (save one which is completely arid). Yet these were one of the monsters that struck my fancy early on when I encountered the Fiend Folio, and I have made good use of them with every subsequent version of Dungeons & Dragons that I ran. It has taken me a while to get around to converting them, but now they are ready to give me the same joy in Dungeon Crawl Classics. There is just something wonderful about adding humanoids that are not just goblins; I also have an inordinate fondness for Dire Corbies.

The Crypt Thing is also clearly useful. In the Fiend Folio, they make a point of having un-dead looking monsters that are not un-dead. I think this was probably intended to limit reliance on turning the un-dead, and to create a shocking moment for a party which expected to use encounter-ending powers of that nature. In Dungeon Crawl Classics, the point is moot – you turn the unholy, which may or may not include the un-dead. The Crypt Thing is also the “Split the Party” monster. If you aren’t ready for that to happen, don’t use it!

Next post we start the “D”s. Buckle up.





Crabman: Init +0; Atk Claw +3 melee (1d4); AC 16; HD 3d6; MV 20’ or swim 30’; Act 2d20; SP: Infravision 60’, amphibious; SV Fort +5; Ref +2; Will +2; AL N.

These amphibious humanoids have a hard, reddish-brown exoskeleton and two crab-like pincers instead of hands. They are usually found in sea-shore caves, in groups of 2d6 members. On rare occasions, they mount savage inland raids of 1d10+30 individuals. Although they are mostly pacifistic if not molested (apart from their periodic raids), crabmen greatly value silver and will go to any lengths to obtain it. Exactly what influence silver exerts on them, or what they do with it once obtained, is a matter of speculation.



Crypt Thing

Crypt Thing: Init +6; Atk claw +4 melee (1d4); AC 17; HD 6d8+6; MV 30’; Act 2d20; SP Teleportation, immune to non-magical weapons; SV Fort +9; Ref +4; Will +12; AL N.

These pale skeletal beings are always found alone. They wear dark hooded robes (black, brown, or midnight blue). Although not un-dead, despite their appearance, they lair in crypts or similar places, where they sit quietly, contemplating the multiverse and drawing sustenance from the confluence of the planes of existence.

A crypt thing is harmless if left undisturbed, but once engaged, it can very quickly teleport annoyances away from it once per turn. Those who fail a DC 15 Will save are teleported to a random location (1d10): (1-2) 1d10x100’ north, (3-4) 1d10x100’ south, (5-6) 1d10x100' east, (7-8) 1d10x100’ west, (9) one dungeon level up, or (10) one dungeon level down. Distance and direction are determined individually for each victim teleported. Victims never arrive in solid material and will arrive in the closest open space to the target spot, although victims need not arrive at floor level.

Those who make their saving rolls may attack the crypt thing, but it can only be hit by magical weapons. The crypt thing will attack in return, using a two-handed clawing movement which Inflicts 1—8 hit points of damage.

Crypt things serve the powers of Neutrality, and only speak the Neutral tongue, maintaining to those who understand them that those who were teleported were instead disintegrated. There are rumored to be aberrant crypt things which, instead of teleporting victims, paralyze them and simultaneously turn them invisible for 2d6 turns. Neither type feeds on mortal flesh, so that their victims are in no danger from the crypt things themselves. Although they do seem to obtain pleasure by creating confusion and dissent, these creatures wish nothing more than to be left alone to their contemplation of reality.

It is, in fact, believed by some scholars that crypt things are the still-living remains of powerful wizards who serve the Neutral powers, and who have been granted this strange existence as a result of their studies.


  1. You're doing a great job, man. I'm really enjoying it and cheering so you can finish the whole book.

    1. Thank you for the kind words! Only 23 more letters to go.....
