Thursday 14 July 2022

Let’s Convert the Fiend Folio: Bullywug and Bunyip

This is another post converting creatures from the Fiend Folio, and will probably be the last post before DCC Day on Saturday (16 June 2022). I don’t have a lot to say about the Fiend Folio this time, but I do have a bit to say about DCC Day.

First off, on Monday night I was on the Maw of Mike talking about the DCC Day releases, including The Book of Fallen Gods and the dice sets linked to it. Then on Wednesday, I was on Picks From the Print Mine going up against Emogoth about Chanters in the Dark. One wonders whether or not I should try statting up Emogoth…..? Or should I just let the mystery remain……? In any event, when Dieter made the joke about using octopus-people in his desert campaign, he should know that it happened once on Aridius.




Bullywug: Init +2; Atk bite +0 melee (1d3) or crude spear +0 melee (1d6); AC 14; HD 1d6; MV 10’ or hop 40’ or swim 60’; Act 1d20; SP: Infravision 30’, hopping charge, camouflage (+5); SV Fort +1; Ref +3; Will +0; AL C.

Among the many servants of Bobugbubilz, the hoping hordes of the bullywug tribes are neither the strongest nor the best, but they are numerous. These batrachians humanoids dwell in wet places – rainforests, marshes, damp caves, and so on – because as true amphibians they need to keep their skin moist.  

Bullywugs can hop up to 40’ once every other round, and can combine this with an attack to gain a +4 bonus to hit. After such a hopping charge, their AC takes a -4 penalty until their next action. Their skin, which is normally a grayish-green hue, has a chameleon-like quality, helping them to blend in with their surroundings and making it easier to hide.

Some tribal groups are intelligent enough to use shields, gaining a +1 bonus to their AC for doing so. Any group might have priests dedicated to the God of Evil Amphibians, with various levels of spellcasting ability (the judge is encouraged to use the Acolyte and Friar as a baseline, but advanced bullywug groups might even possess members capable of casting clerical spells or invoke patron). These individuals may have a +1d5 bonus to hit points, at the judge’s discretion.

Likewise, tribal bands may have larger individuals with +1d4 hit points and a +1d3-1 bonus to attack rolls (minimum +0). Great chiefs have 3 Hit Dice, a +4 bonus to attack rolls, and a +2 bonus to all saving throws.




Bunyip: Init +2; Atk Bite +4 melee (1d5); AC 10; HD 5d8; MV 20’ or swim 60’; Act 1d20; SP Crit range 19-20, special crits; SV Fort +3; Ref +5; Will +2; AL C.

Creatures originating in native Australian folklore, there are several types of beings and water spirits which have been known by this name. The bunyip described here is a large seal- or dog-like water creature found in freshwater pools, marshes, and slow-moving rivers. They do not like fast water. Although relatively slow on land, it is swift and graceful while swimming.

Bunyips are large and strong enough to capsize small boats. They are attracted to swimmers, which they often attempt to bite. Whether they are mischievous, malevolent, or just natural predators depends very much on who you ask. In either event, while in the water, they have an extended crit range (19-20) and roll 1d8 on a unique crit table, below. Like all critical hits, the roll is modified by the target’s Luck modifier (with positive modifiers reducing the roll).

Crit Table: Bunyip

1 or lower: The creature’s razor-sharp teeth cause an additional 1d4 damage.

2: The wound continues to bleed profusely, causing 1 point of additional damage each round, until the victim receives magical healing or spends at least 1 round binding their wounds.

3: The victim is pulled under, or has their wind knocked from them. Unless they succeed in a DC 10 Fort save, they take an immediate 1d3 temporary Stamina damage. This is recovered after 10 minutes of rest with breathable air.

4: The bunyip’s teeth slice into the victim like razor blades, causing an additional 1d8 damage.

5: The attack turns the victim around in the water, disorienting them. The bunyip immediately gains a free attack with a +2 bonus and a crit range extended to 18-20.

6: The bite severs a hand or foot, causing an additional 1d5 damage. Roll 1d4: (1) right foot, (2) left foot, (3) right hand, or (4) left hand. A lost foot caused a 10’ reduction in movement speed and causes a permanent 1d3 points of Agility loss; 5’ of move can be restored with some form of prosthetic. If a hand is lost, the victim loses 1 point of Agility permanently.

7: The bite severs an arm or a leg, causing an additional 1d10 damage. Roll 1d4: (1) right leg, (2) left leg, (3) right leg, or (4) left leg. A lost leg reduces movement speed to 1’ (that is 1 foot) and causes a permanent 1d5 points of Agility loss; some speed can be restored with some form of crutch or prosthetic. If an arm is lost, the also victim permanently loses 1d3 point of Agility.

8 or higher: The bunyip bites into the torso, causing an additional 2d5 damage. The victim is stunned and unable to act for 1d3 rounds (and may begin drowning as a result). Further, the victim must succeed in a Fort save (DC equal to 10 + total damage done) or die at the end of this period.

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