Sunday 23 October 2022

Let’s Convert the Fiend Folio: Sheet Ghoul and Sheet Phantom

The Sheet Ghoul and Sheet Phantom are interlinked monsters, who, if not inspired by the great M.R. James, should have been. They are another perfect Halloween monster which belongs in your Fiend Folio haunted house. Unfortunately, I don’t have a lot to say about them. If you do use them, be sure to play up the horror of your own friend and comrade-in-arms now squirting acid from their nose as they try to kill you. Instead of “the creature” or “the monster”, say “Your blow strikes into Jus’ side, cutting deeply, but Jus just sneers at you, his features contorted by bloodlust as acid squirts from his nostrils.”






Sheet Ghoul

Sheet Ghoul: Init +0; Atk Claw +4 melee (1d3) or bite +2 melee (1d6) or acid squirt +5 ranged (1d6+1); AC 15; HD 3d6; MV 20’; Act 2d20; SP Un-dead, infravision 60’, acid squirt, Turned as though 7 HD; SV Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +0; AL C.

Sheet ghouls are created when a sheet phantom (see below) kills and merges with a victim. Any attempt to Turn the Unholy treats it as though it were a 7 Hit Die creature.

Sheet ghouls can squirt a fine jet of corrosive acid from their noses to a 20’ range. Those hit by this attack must succeed in a Luck check, or a piece of their equipment is also damaged. For instance, armor may lose 1d3 points of its protective value, or a mundane weapon may be ruined. Magical items are not affected.


Sheet Phantom

Sheet Phantom: Init +3; Atk Wrap +4 melee (wrap and suffocation); AC 14; HD 3d12; MV 20’ or climb 20’ or fly 20’; Act 1d20; SP Un-dead, infravision 60’, wrap, suffocation (1d4 temporary Stamina, Fort DC 12 for half), merge with victim, turn as 5 HD creature; SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +2; AL C.

Sheet phantoms are un-dead creatures which appear as near-transparent rectangles 1d6+10’ broad by 1d6+6’ long and a fraction of an inch thick. They move along walls, ceiling, floors, or through the air with equal facility, and may pretend to be sheets, curtains, tapestries, or similar items.

A sheet phantom attacks by wrapping around its target, and can only wrap around one victim. Any attacks damaging the sheet phantom do the same damage to any enveloped victim. The wrapped victim is unable to move or take any action apart from speaking. From the second round onward, wrapped victims are suffocated, taking 1d4 temporary Stamina damage each round (Fort DC 12 for half). If the victim reaches 0 Stamina or 0 hit points, the sheet phantom merges with it over the course of 1d3 rounds, arising thereafter as a sheet ghoul (see above). No magical healing, and no attempt to recover the body, may help the victim once such a merger is complete. If a victim is rescued in time, all temporary Stamina damage is restored after 10 minutes of unrestricted breathing.

Attempts to Turn the Unholy treat sheet phantoms as 5 Hit Die creatures.


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