Thursday 20 October 2022

Hey Paisons!

If you want your very own copy of the LaSalle Man action figure write-up from tonight's Joey Royale's Pizza Party, you can get it here.

And if you want, throw a tip in the tip jar on my Patreon

If nothing else, throw both Joey Royale and Brendan LaSalle some love in the DCC Rocks Facebook Group. I didn't see the chat when I was doing the show tonight, but I did see it after. Thank you for all the kind words!

And, don't worry! The end of the Fiend Folio posts is closer than you might think - only S and T have a significant number of entries! The end is near, but the moment has been prepared for.

Doing all of these conversions, and reading queries bout the conversion process, has made me consider doing edition-by-edition posts about what is required. How do you make 5e, 4e, 3e, or even Traveller work with DCC? What if you want to use your old Gamma World modules with MCC or Umerica? What if you wanted to convert Metamorphosis Alpha or MERP? Anyway, this is one idea that I'm toying with.

Last winter, I had considered doing full (or partial) patron write-ups for Heat Miser and Snow Miser. There is a very real possibility that these might get done this year.

Unless they're too much. 𝅘𝅥𝅯Too much! 𝅘𝅥𝅮

The point is, there is no end of things to talk about, so there should be no real concern over where the blog will be going as 2022 rolls over into 2023. I have really gotten behind, though, on the DCC Trove of Treasures, so the upcoming years might see me passing some of that work on to others. The amount of amazing DCC product grows exponentially, but, unfortunately, my time does not.

I want to give a really huge "Thank You" to Joey Royale, Cousin Marty, and Doctor Metal. Well, really a really big "Thank You" to all of the people I've had the pleasure to meet in this community, and for all of the times that I've been invited on podcasts or twitch. It really is humbling, and, no matter what you think about me or my writing, I wouldn't be doing this if it weren't for you.

This really is the best community. You really are some great people!

Thank you so very, very much!

(Oh, and that bit about not recognizing Joey when he took his mask off? That comes from The Tick, and you can see it in the original live-action version where the Tick is played by Patrick Warburton. Which you should see, if you ever get the chance.)

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