Monday 15 August 2022

Let’s Convert the Fiend Folio: Galltrit and Gambado

If I was not using original illustrations from the Fiend Folio, I would have made the Galltrit smaller than the illustration indicates. It would make it much easier to explain why they are so hard to notice. Thankfully, Doctor Who supplies a potential answer to this problem, which I made use of below.

Gambados are a pretty silly creature, when it comes down to it, but they are silly in a sort of wonderful way.



Galltrit: Init +3; Atk Bite +0 melee (blood drain); AC 18; HD 1 hp; MV 5’ or fly 50’; Act 2d20 per Hit Die; SP Infravision 60’, perception filter, blood drain, anesthetic, anticoagulant, disease; SV Fort -4; Ref +5; Will -5; AL C.

These small imp-like creatures are stone grey, and project a natural perception filter which makes them difficult to detect, even when they successfully attack a target. Most characters have a 1 in 12 chance of noticing a galltrit before it attacks, and only a 1 in 8 chance of noticing even a galltrit which has successfully latched onto them. Elves, with their keen senses, have an improved chance – 1 in 10 and 1 in 6 respectively.

The saliva of the galltrit has an anesthetic effect, lasting a full turn, so that the victim will not notice the galltrit consuming blood (causing 1 point of Stamina damage each round; this damage heals normally). The saliva also contains an anticoagulant which causes blood to flow – with the same effects – for 1d5 rounds after the galltrit has stopped feeding. Normally, a galltrit is satiated after consuming 4 Stamina points worth of blood. Stamina damage can lower maximum hit points, and a victim collapses if their hit points of Stamina are reduced to 0 (with the normal game effects), at which point the galltrit is revealed if it is still present.

Note that a character is not aware of this Stamina and/or hit point loss, which must be tracked by the judge. It is entirely possible that a wizard or elf collapses because they attempt spellburn beyond their means to sustain!

If noticed, galltrits attempt to flee immediately. They are found in areas containing dung, carrion or offal, which they also consume. They have a 10% chance of carrying some form of disease (as giant bats in the corerulebook p. 397, or using the information found in this author’s Both Foul and Deep).




Gambado: Init +2; Atk Bite +2 melee (1d6) or claw +3 melee (1d4); AC 14; HD 4d8; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP Surprise, leap; SV Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +2; AL C.

A gambado is a strange creature with a humanoid torso, sharp claws, and a skull-like head – this may resemble the skull of a primitive humanoid, but more often appears to be that of an animal. Instead of legs, their torso ends in a spring-like cylinder of muscle and skin, below which are three long, single-toed feet.

Gambados dig pits to live in, which they can stand upright in so that their head remains outside, apparently a skull lying on the ground. They use rocks, wood, rags and old bones – whatever is available – to conceal the nature of the pit. If a living creature approaches, the gambado springs out and attacks, gaining the benefits of a charge (+2 to hit, but -2 to AC until its next action). Incautious characters are automatically surprised (as determined by the judge).

These creatures move with a series of bounds, and can easily jump up to 14’ vertically or 12’ horizontally as a move.

Gambados tend to collect coins, gems, and small pieces of jewelry. Though essentially solitary creatures, a gambado will often dig its pit nearby those of others of its kind; in places where bones are common, as many as 8 of the creatures may be found to have dug pits quite close together.

1 comment:

  1. Gambados are pretty silly, and I don't know if I've ever used them in a D&D game. DCC is wild enough that they fit in pretty well, though.
