Sunday 24 July 2022

Let’s Convert the Fiend Folio: Clubnek and Coffer Corpse

Last conversion post, I talked about not wanting to carry more books around than necessary. Well, this post I am going to consider carrying the Mutant Crawl Classics core book just to make the Clubnek more interesting. Another, and probably better, way of using a more-mutated Clubnek is to simply copy the relevant pages rather than carry the entire book. In any event, I hope that I have made the creature a little more interesting, and perhaps a little more usable in your game.

The Coffer Corpse, on the other hand, is one of the jewels of the Fiend Folio. I tried to keep this one as true to the original source as possible. Although magic weapons are not as common in Dungeon Crawl Classics as they are in 1st Edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, DCC does have some mechanics which would allow for breaking the Coffer Corpse’s grip without damaging the core of the monster. Besides, even with its Turn Resistance, this foul un-dead does give the cleric a chance to shine! Or not….

And with this post we draw close to the end of the “C”s.





Clubnek: Init +0; Atk Claw +2 melee (1d4) or beak +0 melee (1d6); AC 12; HD 2d6; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP: Burst of speed, possible mutations; SV Fort +1; Ref +2; Will +0; AL N.

Carnivorous Clubnek: Init +2; Atk Claw +3 melee (1d6) or beak +1 melee (1d8); AC 14; HD 3d8; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP: Burst of speed, possible mutations; SV Fort +3; Ref +4; Will +2; AL N.

The Clubnek is a herbivorous form of mutated ostrich with green feathers and a bony yellow beak.  Found in meadows and woodlands in small family groups, it attacks only to defend itself. It can put on a burst of speed once every 5 rounds, achieving a move of 60’ for one round. These flightless birds are large enough to be ridden. There is a rarer carnivorous version which is stronger and more dangerous.

If the judge has access to Mutant Crawl Classics, 10% of clubneks (of either variety) are further mutated. Roll 1d16 and consult the table below for mutations. The judge may substitute mutations from Silent Nightfall, Hubris, The Umerican Survival Guide, or another source at their discretion.

1-3: Roll 1d3 defects on Table 3-2 (MCC, p. 44); 4-5:  Roll a single defect on Table 3-2 (MCC, p.44); 6: Clubnek gains Increased Speed (MCC, p. 53); 7: Clubnek gains Electrical Generation (MCC, p. 47); 8: Clubnek gains Regeneration (MCC, p. 59); 9: Clubnek gains Heightened Intelligence (MCC, p 72; assume a starting Intelligence of 1); 10: Clubnek gains Mental Blast (MCC, p. 80); 11: Clubnek gains Teleportation (MCC, p. 83); 12: Clubnek gains Death Field Generation (MCC, pp.66-67); 13: Clubnek gains Metallic Skin (MCC, p. 106); or 14: Clubnek gains Life Force Drain (MCC, p. 114); 15-16 Roll 2d14 and consult the table again, rerolling any duplicates.

Passive mutations are rolled using 1d20+2 (with a minimum success on any failure); active mutations use the clubnek’s Action Die with a +2 bonus (and failure can occur). Somewhere out there is a carnivorous clubnek with metallic skin that can drain your life force. Beware!



Coffer Corpse

Coffer Corpse: Init +0; Atk claw +2 melee (1d4 plus throttle) or weapon +2 melee (by weapon); AC 12; HD 2d12; MV 20’; Act 1d20; SP Un-dead, immune to non-magical weapons and attacks, false death, throttle (1d6), turn resistance; SV Fort +7; Ref +2; Will +7; AL C.

The coffer corpse is the un-dead remains of an individual who did not receive proper burial rites according to their culture. They are often found in places where a funerary rite was interrupted, such as on a funeral barge or near a burial chamber, but may also be found on battlefields or other places where the dead are too numerous to care for, of no one remains to do so. Coffer corpses may well result when adventurers leave their own dead behind in some place deep underground.

A coffer corpse may be mistaken for a zombie (or similar un-dead), but non-magical attacks cause it no damage whatsoever. Normal weapons appear to be damaging it, though, and if a non-magical weapon does 6 damage or more the coffer corpse collapses, apparently finished. It rises again the next round, causing all in melee combat with it to succeed in a DC 10 Will save or flee in panic (in random directions) for the next 1d4 rounds.

There is a 1 in 4 chance that a coffer corpse is found with a weapon, which it will use in combat. A disarmed coffer corpse attacks with its claws. It if hits, it locks its hands around an opponent’s throat, thereafter doing 1d6 damage automatically each round, until it or the opponent is dead. An opponent can use an Action Die to attempt a DC 25 Strength check to break the grip. A Mighty Deed of 5+ can also free an opponent from the coffer corpse’s throttling (even if the coffer corpse is not damaged by the attack).

Coffer corpses are treated as 4 Hit Die creatures when resisting Turn the Unholy attempts or banish spells.

Here is another version.

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