Thursday 13 June 2019

More on Free RPG Day

Thanks to the good folks at the Sanctum Secorum podcast, I will have some additional materials to give away for people who play in my games at the Sword & Board this Saturday!

To be specific, this is The Tribe of Ogg and the Trials of Moss (as well as supporting materials) - an authorized sequel to my own The Tribe of Ogg and the Gift of Suss, written by the prolific and talented Bob Brinkman!

I will have 10 copies to give away during the first event, and an additional 10 copies to give away during the second. Once they are gone, they are gone! 

This is, of course, in addition to the regular Road Crew swag that Goodman Games has so kindly provided!

For more information on my events, see this post. The Facebook event listing is here. Here's hoping to see you there!


  1. Hey Daniel, quick question. Of the DCC adventure modules that you've created, could you rattle off your favorite 5-10? If you have time to elaborate you could go into specifics as to why you are making those selections. I know you've posted this around here somewhere but I can't find the exact post. I've got a few dollars burning a hole in my pocket. You've got quite a catalogue and with all the zines and podcast supplements out there, some of this material can be awful obscure!

    1. Found this old passage: "For the curious, the other adventures that I am currently happiest with are, in no particular order, The Arwich Grinder; Stars in the Darkness; Prince Charming, Reanimator; The Imperishable Sorceress; The Folk of Osmon; and Icon of the Blood Goddess. This is not to say that I am unhappy with the others, but if you wanted my "must have" list, there you have it."

    2. Please see the most recent post. I tried to answer your question.

    3. Three items still in common with my picks in 2014, I note!

  2. Alas, Free RPG Day was a bust here in my area of Northern California. Been something I've looked forward to the past several years, and I have pestered my local shops to carry Goodman's various wonders for years as well. But, none of my usual haunts participated this year. Two of them mentioned something about a $150 price hike from previous years, so perhaps that was what nailed those avenues shut this year. Still, I did manage to make a looooooong drive to a previously unexplored store and ran a DCC funnel for some excited noobs. NOT as cool as a ONE TWO Punch combo of Bishop/Brinkman's primordial pummeling DCC cavecrawl though.

    1. A $150 price hike might well exceed the margins for some stores.

      My ONE TWO Punch combo this year was 12,000 to 0 (look for it in an upcoming GFA!) followed by Geas of the Star-chons.

      In any case, glad you were able to represent. Did you manage to get the Free RPG Day adventure?
